Answer :Apps schema is the one that comprises of only synonyms and there is no possibility of creating tables in it. Other schema comprises of tables and objects in it and allows the creation of tables as well as for providing grants to tables.
Answer :The Oracle Diagnostic Tool is provided by Oracle to gather and analyze information from eBusiness suite to diagnose an existing data issue, transactional problem or setup error through a complete set up responsibility “Application Diagnostics”.
Answer :A field is a position on a form that one uses to enter, view, update, or delete information. A field prompt describes each field by telling what kind of information appears in the field, or alternatively, what kind of information should be entered in the field.A flexfield is an Oracle Applications field made up of segments. Each segment has an assigned name and a set of valid values. Oracle Applications uses flexfields to capture information about your organization. There are two types of flexfields: key flexfields and descriptive flexfields.
Answer :Key FlexField is used for creating unique identifiers or constraints. It is the building block which defines the structure of objects. Key flexfields are flexible enough to let any organization use the code scheme they want, without programming. With the help of Key Fields an organization can define rules to specify which segment values can be combined to make a valid complete code (also called a combination).Descriptive FlexField is used to create new fields on screen and capture other information. Also provides customizable “expansion space” on your forms. Descriptive flexfields can be context sensitive, where the information your application stores depends on other values that users enter in other parts of the form.Key flexfields displays like text item but Descriptive FlexField displays like arrays. Key flexfields gives the result after simple entry of data and Descriptive FlexField is user dependent whic means when user want to get output.
Answer :Out put file and Log file are physically stored in server, you can find the physical path of log and output file of a concurrent request in FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS table.Column LOGFILE_NAME stores Log file name along with the physical pathColumn OUTFILE_NAME sores Out file along with the physical path
Answer :fnd_profile.value(‘USER_ID’)orfnd_global.USER_ID
Answer :_ALL Table holds all the information about different operating units in a Multi-Org environment. You can also set the client_info to specific operating unit to see the data specific to that operating unit only.
Answer :Oracle definition for Priority: Priority is used to indicate the priority that the concurrent request will be assigned when it is submitted. If you do not assign a priority, the user’s profile option Concurrent:Priority sets the request’s priority at submission.
Answer :Token is used for transferring values towards report builder. Tokens are usually not case – sensitive.
Answer :Though FND_GLOBAL and FND_PROFILE gives us same result but they work in a different fashion FND_GLOBAL is a server-side package which returns the values of system globals, such as the login/signon or “session” type of values. Where as FND_PROFILE uses user profile routines to manipulate the option values stored in client and server user profile caches.From this we can understand that FND_GLOBAL works on server side and FND_PROFILE works on client side.On the client, a single user profile cache is shared by multiple form sessions. Thus, when Form A and Form B are both running on a single client, any changes Form A makes to the client’s user profile cache affect Form B’s run-time environment, and vice versa.On the server, each form session has its own user profile cache. Thus, even if Form A and Form B are running on the same client, they have separate server profile caches. Server profile values changed from Form A’s session do not affect Form B’s session, and vice versa.That is the reason in forms we use FND_GLOBAL.
Answer :The Scheduler enables database administrators to full fill business tasks in an organized and controlled fashion.To achieve job scheduling Oracle provides a collection of functions and procedures in the DBMS_SCHEDULER package.Below are the major this a Scheduler can do:
- Schedule job execution based on time or events
- Schedule job processing in a way that models your business requirements
- Manage and monitor jobs
- Execute and manage jobs in a clustered environment
Answer :Autonomous Transaction is a kind of transaction that is independent of another transaction. This kind of transaction allows you in suspending the main transaction and helps in performing SQL operations, rolling back of operations and also committing them. The autonomous transactions do not support resources, locks or any kind of commit dependencies that are part of main transaction.
Answer :Application Top is a physical folder on server which holds all the executable, UI and support files.We have two different types of Application Tops
- Product Top
- Custom Top
Product Top: Product top is the default top built by the manufacturer. This is usually called as APPL_TOP which stores all components provided by the Oracle.Custom Top: Custom top can be defined as the customer top which is created exclusively for customers. According to the requirement of the client many number of customer tops can be made. Custom top is made used for the purpose of storing components, which are developed as well as customized. At the time when the oracle corporation applies patches, every module other than custom top are overridden. -
Answer :There are two types of program incompatibilities, “Global” incompatibilities, and “Domain-specific” incompatibilities.You can define a concurrent program to be globally incompatible with another program — that is, the two programs cannot be run simultaneously at all; or you can define a concurrent program to be incompatible with another program in a Conflict Domain. Conflict domains are abstract representations of groups of data. They can correspond to other group identifiers, such as sets of books, or they can be arbitrary.
Answer :FlexRpt: The execution file is wrnitten using the FlexReport API.FlexSql: The execution file is written using the FlexSql API.Host: The execution file is a host script.Oracle Reports: The execution file is an Oracle Reports file.PL/SQL Stored Procedure: The execution file is a stored procedure.SQL*Loader: The execution file is a SQL script.SQL*Plus: The execution file is a SQL*Plus script.Spawned; The execution file is a C or Pro*C program.Immediate: The execution file is a program written to run as a subroutine of the concurrent manager. We recommend against defining new immediate concurrent programs, and suggest you use either a PL/SQL Stored Procedure or a Spawned C Program instead.Request Set Stage Function: PL/SQL Stored Function that can be uesd to calculate the completion statuses of request set stages.
Answer :There are 8 different types of Value Set Validations.
- None: this is the indication of minimal validation.
- Independent: Input should be there in the list of – values that are defined previously.
- Dependent: According to the previous value, input is compared with a subset of values.
- Table: Input is checked on the basis of values that exist in the application table.
- Special: These are the values that make use of flex field.
- Pair: A pair can be defined as the set of values that make use of flex fields.
- Translated Independent: This is a kind of value that can be made used only if there is any existence for the input in the list that is defined previously.
- Translatable dependent: In this kind of validation rules that compare the input with the subset of values associated with the previously defined list.
Answer :100 is the limit for the number of parameters for a concurrent program
Answer :Write a PL/SQL script to submit concurrent request using FND_REQUEST.Submit() API in a file and execute that file in shell script using SQLPLUSExamplesqlplus -s apps/apps @XX_SUBMIT_CP.sql
Answer :Step1: Enable Trace at the Report Definition.Go to System Administrator -> Concurrent Programs -> Define , Query the report and check the ‘Enable trace‘ check box Navigate to:Profile->system
Query on the Profile Option: “Concurrent: Allow Debugging”
This should be set to ‘yes’ at ‘Site’ level.
If it isn’t set, then set it, then logout and bounce the APPS services.
The ‘Debug Options’ button on the concurrent program will now be enabled. )Step2: Run the report for Step 1. aboveStep3: Get the request id from below query. i.e. Request id = 11111111SELECT fcr.request_id “Request ID”
–, fcr.oracle_process_id “Trace ID”
||’.trc’ “Trace File” ,
TO_CHAR(fcr.actual_completion_date, ‘dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss’) “Completed” ,
fcp.user_concurrent_program_name “Program” ,
|| fe.subroutine_name “Program File” ,
||DECODE(fcr.status_code,’R’,’Normal’) “Status” ,
fcr.enable_trace “Trace Flag”
FROM fnd_concurrent_requests fcr ,
v$parameter p1 ,
v$parameter p2 ,
fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp ,
fnd_executables fe
WHERE =’user_dump_dest’
AND =’db_name’
AND fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
AND fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
AND fcp.application_id = fe.application_id
AND fcp.executable_id =fe.executable_id
AND ((fcr.request_id =
OR fcr.actual_completion_date > TRUNC(sysdate)))
ORDER BY DECODE(fcr.request_id,
&request_id, 1, 2),
fcr.actual_completion_date DESC;
–you will be prompted to enter the request_id;Step4: trace file directory using an sql querySELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = ‘user_dump_dest’;Step5: Go to directory in Step 4. above.Step6: Find out the trace file using GREP commandeg:- grep ‘11111111’ *.trcStep7: Run TKPROF to get a structured information from trace file.Syntax of the command:$ tkprof <RAW TRACE> <output> explain=apps_uname/apps_pwd sys=no sort=prsela,exeela,fchela -
Answer :We can find Custom Application top physical path from Application Developer responsibility:navigate to Application Developer –> Application –> Register. Query for the custom applicationname. The value in the field Basepath, is the OS system variable that stores the actual directory info.
Answer :‘Run Alone‘ check box should be enabled in Concurrent program definition to make it run one request at a point of time.
Answer :Syntax for log:FND_FILE.PUT(FND_FILE.LOG, <Text>);Syntax for Output:FND_FILE.PUT(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, <Text>);
Answer :We can use $FLEX$.<Value set name> in the where condition of the target valueset to restrict LOV values bases on parent value set.
Answer :US folder is nothing but a language specific folder. Oracle Apps uses american language by default and so is the US folder.
Answer :No! As per Oracle standard process, the application will not allow file extensions. It will also not allow any special characters and spaces.
Answer :relink the particular module eg :if FNDLOAD is missing then relink FND module
Answer :One of the easiest ways is to run the product if you can. Running Reports designer will give you the Reports version, running SQL*Plus will give you its version etc.Another easy way is to launch the Oracle Installer and look in the installed products on the right side. It will list all the products installed with their versions.Another way is to look at the .rgs file. This file is located in $ORACLE_HOME/orainstOn UNIX, it will be called unix.rgs. On the PC, it will be called Windows.rgs.This file will list all the products installed and their versions. Note though that this file is not always correct. For example, patching Reports from to will not show up in this file as the new version. Running Reports Designer is the best way of getting the correct version.Also, on UNIX there is an executable called 'inspdver'. It is located in $ORACLE_HOME/orainst.Running it will produce a display of all the installed products. It just pulls the information from unix.rgs, so it may show the wrong information as well.
Answer :go to applcation developer responsibilitynavigation->Application/function.query the function name then goto form tab then goto parameters field then write the following code in that fieldQUERY_YES= YES save the changes and then see the forms get affected in query only mode.
Answer :Navigate to the Update System Profile Screen.( navigate profile system)
- Select Level: Site
- Query up Utilities:Diagnostics in the User Profile Options Zone.
If the profile option Utilities:Diagnostics is set to NO, people with access to the Utilities Menu must enter the password for the ORACLE ID of the current responsibility to use Examine. If set to Yes, a password will not be required. -
Answer :Navigate to the Concurrent Request Summary form
- Select a request
- In character, do a Quickpick on the Status column
- You can select Cancel or Hold
- In GUI, use the Cancel or Hold buttons
- The Sysadmin responsibility can cancel or hold any running request
Answer :FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST ( ' Parameters');
Answer :It can be generated through submission of Concurrent Program from Application Developer responsibility.
Answer :Use: oerr ora XXXXor: oerr tns XXXXwhere XXXX is the error number(This also supports a number of other error types. Use the 3-letter error prefix in place of 'ora')
Answer :GUI: Use Help->About Oracle ApplicationsScroll down to find the form nameCharacter: Use Help->Version
Answer :
- We can also find out through Help > About Oracle Applications
- SELECT release_name FROM fnd_product_groups
Answer :SELECT MULTI_ORG_FLAG FROM FND_PRODUCT_GROUPSIf MULTI_ORG_FLAG is set to 'Y' Then its Multi Org.If MULTI_ORG_FLAG is set to 'N' Then its single Org.
Answer :Log file get following name by default: lRequest_id.reqand Output file get following name by default :oRequest_id.out
Output files are stored at $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT
and Log files are stored at $APPLCSF/logThese paths may vary depending on the setups that sys admins perform at the time of Oracle Apps installation -
Answer :The concurrent manager first looks for the environment variable $APPLCSFIf this is set, it creates a path using two other environment variables:$APPLLOG and $APPLOUTIt places log files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOGOutput files go in $APPLCSF/$APPLOUTSo for example, if you have this environment set:$APPLCSF = /u01/appl/common
$APPLLOG = log
$APPLOUT = outThe concurrent manager will place log files in /u01/appl/common/log, and output files in /u01/appl/common/outNote that $APPLCSF must be a full, absolute path, and the other two are directory names.If $APPLCSF is not set, it places the files under the product top of the application associated with the request. So for example, a PO report would go under $PO_TOP/$APPLLOG and $PO_TOP/$APPLOUTLogfiles go to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/log
Output files to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/outOf course, all these directories must exist and have the correct permissions. -
Answer :We can also recover through the following steps:Go to system administrator responsibility > Security > Responsibility > Define > Give the particular responsibility name query on it and then see the effective dates to field. If any date is there then that repsonsibility will expire on that date and if it is null then it will not expire on any date.
Answer :You can do this with Custom.pll and if ur using apps version greater that 11.5.9 then you can do this with form personlization too
Answer :rf9 files are created while applying patches usually in $APPL_TOP/admin/SID/restart directory
Answer :Use adctrl utility to monitor and restart adworkers after fixing your locking problem. check ad workers log file that show you which table has problem and error message.
Answer :Give it some more time. Did you ensure that you had run immediately checked when you submitted the report/request? If it was accidentally scheduled for a later date/time the best thing you can do is to submit it again with correct parameters.
Answer :
- FTP the Custom.pll from $AU_TOP/resource
- Open the Custom.pll in Forms6i
- Include the following code for your Form logic :
Form_Name varchar2(50) : name_in('system.current_form');
If Form_Name 'YOUR CUSTOM FORM then
include your logic
end; - Once changes over using the following command to generate the CUSTOM.plx f60gen module CUSTOM.pll userid apps/apps@mfgdev module_type LIBRARY to generate the latest CUSTOM.plx and move this CUSTOM.plx to $AU_TOP/resource
Answer :Basically a schema is collection of objects(tables views indexes sequences) belonging to particular user here in case of Oracle apps every module is implemented as a user for example Order Management is implemented as a user ONT so to create a custom schema we need to create a user and register the user with AOL.check this link for step by step process to create a custom module(Application) and register with oracle AOL.
Answer :$Flex$ is used when we need to return the Flex value contained by any AOL Vlauset or AOL object .For Ex . $Flex$. would return the value held by that valueset.$profiles$. are used to get the values of environment variables like org_id or mfg_Organization_id etc which are related to the current apps environment.Ex. $profiles$.org_id would return the operating unit which is active at that time for the user.
Answer :Quick Code or Lookup Code are short names given to some field values. an example is two letter codes given to Country names.
Answer :In simple wordsOrg_id referes the operating unit and and organization id refers the InventoryOrganizationRegardsKarthikeyan
Answer :This comes into picture when security rule comes into picture.For example Say Maintanance is the one of the accounts in that we have cleaning painting expenses when we are not accesssible to main a/c (i.e maintanance) we cannot use sub a/c i.e cleaning and painting when you select Hierarchicalsecurity when it is non-Hierarchical we can use sub a/c i.e painting cleaning etc...
Answer :May be your question about series of requests is from PL/SQL. For this it is not possible to submit series of requests at a time their is only one option to submit request from backend is fnd_request.sumbint_request(Paramenters)
2) What is Concurrent Program?
Concurrent Program is nothing but instances of execution file along with parameter and incompatible programs. Concurrent programs use concurrent program executables to locate the correct execution file. Several concurrent programs may use the same execution file to perform their specific tasks, each having different parameter defaults and incompatibilities.
We can register 11 types of executable as Concurrent Program
We can execute multi language programs as Concurrent Programe
When we run Concurrent Program we can utilize 100% local machine hardware capacity.
We can change the Concurrent Program output based on employee profile.
We can submit only Request.
We can schedule the Concurrent Programme as per client requirement.
3) What is Request group?
Groups of concurrent programs.and request sets.
Concurrent Programs and Reports are grouped in a Request Group. Request group is attached to Responsibility where these programs have to be executed.
a) Single request: - this allows you to submit an individual request.
b) Request set : - Request set is a collection of Reports/Programs that you group together and can be submitted to run is a single interaction.
4) What is Data Group?
Groups of users.
It is mandatory for defining responsibility, it defines relation between oracle application and oracle ID's accessible to responsibility It determines DB account accessible by forms, concurrent programs and reports.
An Oracle username and password allow access to an application's tables in an Oracle database. Each Oracle username in a data group determines the database tables and table privileges accessible by the corresponding application or applications.
Data Group's Purpose
1. It identifies the Oracle username that forms connect to when you select the responsibility.
2. Concurrent managers use a data group to match the application that owns a report or concurrent program (submitted by a user of the responsibility) with a Oracle username.
5) What is Token?
Concurrent program parameters mapping with report builder bind variables
6) How to make Parameter as Mandatory?
Check the default button in parameters window while creating concurrent program
7) What are the Default types we have?
SQL Statement
What is TCA (Trading Community Architecture)?
Ans. Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) is a data model that allows you to manage complex information about the parties, or customers, who belong to your commercial community, including organizations, locations, and the network of hierarchical relationships among them. This information is maintained in the TCA Registry, which is the single source of trading community information for Oracle E-Business Suite applications. Segment
8) How many value sets we have? What are that?
None: A value set of the type None has no list of approved values associated with it. A None value set performs only minimal checking of, for eg. Data type and length.
Independent: Independent type value sets perform basic checking but also check a value entered against the list of approved values you define.
Dependent: Dependent value set is associated with an independent value set. Dependent value sets ensure that all dependent values are associated with a value in the related Independent value set.
Table: Table value sets obtain their lists of approved values from existing application tables. When defining your table value set, you specify a SQL query to retrieves all the approved values from the table.
Special: This specialized value set provides another flex field as a value set for a single segment.
Pair: This specialized value set provides a range flex field as a value set for a pair of segment.
Translatable Independent: A Translatable Independent value set is similar to an Independent value set in that it provides a predefined list of values for a given segment. However, a Translatable Independent value set can contain display values that are translated into different languages.
Translatable Dependent: A Translatable Dependent value set is similar to a Dependent value set in that the available values in the list and the meaning of a given value depend on which independent value was selected in a prior segment of the flex field structure. However, a Translatable Dependent value set can contain display values that are translatable into different languages.
9) What is :$FLEX$ and :$PROFILE$?
11) what is Incompatibility?
When a program or list of programs is defined as incompatible means that defined program is not compatible with incompatible program list and cant run simultaneously in same conflict domain.
12) Can we delete concurrent Program?
14) What are the Who coumns?
1) Created by
2) Creation date
3) Last _updated by
4) last_update_date
5) last_update_value
15) How many types of Execution methods we have?
FlexRpt The execution file is wrnitten using the FlexReport API.
FlexSql The execution file is written using the FlexSql API.
Host The execution file is a host script.
Oracle Reports The execution file is an Oracle Reports file.
PL/SQL Stored Procedure The execution file is a stored procedure.
SQL*Loader The execution file is a SQL script.
SQL*Plus The execution file is a SQL*Plus script.
SQL*Report The execution file is a SQL*Report script.
Spawned The execution file is a C or Pro*C program.
Immediate The execution file is a program written to run as a subroutine of the
concurrent manager. We recommend against defining new immediate concurrent programs, and suggest
you use either a PL/SQL Stored Procedure or a Spawned C Program instead.
16 ) why we will not use TOKEN for PL/SQL Procedure?
17 ) Can we delete attached Responsibility to the User?
18) What are Concurrent Managers available?
Internal Concurrent Manager (it manages all the task Starts UP Verify the status of, resets, and Shut
down the individual managers)
Standard Concurrent manager (check manager is working or not and any disturbance come it 'll restart
the system)
Conflict Resulation Manager work's to put one process into stop mode
And run others manager in some situation
Library Based Manager 'll work at scheduled time
19) What is US Folder?
This is language specific folder. when we are using multiple languages for the client, we will use this us folder. by default american language. us folder is available only for forms and reports, because both are gui(graphical user interface)'s.
20) What is 11.5.0 Folder?
Available folders admin, bin, forms, reports, log, out, sql........
21) Where do we keep the .rdf inside of Server?
22) What is Executable Short Name?
23) what is CUS_TOP ? What is the advantage of this?
Custom top will be created or developed by client for customer development and customization. If we don’t have custom top, we can also use the product top for development and customization.Every client will have at least one custom top or multiple custom tops...
24) What is concurrent request?
ANS: A concurrent request is a request that you submit to run a concurrent program as a concurrent process. You issue a concurrent request when you submit a report or program to run using Standard Request Submission or when you choose an action button in a product-specific submission window
25). What is request set?
With the help of request set we can submit several requests together using multiple execution paths. Its collection of concurrent programs like reports procedures grouped together.
What is Flex field and tell me briefly?
Oracle Application uses Flex field to capture information about your organization. Flex field have flexible structure for storing key information. Like Company, Cost Center, and Account. They also give u highly adaptable Structure for storing customized information in oracle Applications.
Key Flex field Descriptive Flex field
1. Unique Identifier 1.To capture extra information
2. Key Flex field are stored in segment 2.Stored in attributes
3. For key flex field there are flex field 3.Context-sensitive flex field is a feature of Qualifier and segment Qualifier DFF. (Descriptive flex field)
Key flex Fields are 30 type Descriptive Flex fields 200 types.
What is responsibility?
Is collection of menus, request security groups and data groups
Menus: collection of forms is nothing but menus
Request security groups: collection of programs.
Data groups: is a group of modules to be made accessible by the user through Responsibility
System admin-->security-->define
What is Profile? Explain different levels of Profile.
Ans :- A user profile is a set of changeable options that affects the way your applications run. Oracle Application Object Library establishes a value for each option in a user’s profile when the user logs on or changes responsibility. Your user can change the value of profile options at any time
a) To create Profile Option. ( Profile Option can created by developer in application developer area)
b) set the value (Values of the profile option , who will have what value at various levels is set by SYSADMIN).
Oracle Application Object Library provides many options that. (Edit profile feature for every user is available to set any value to allow the user).your users can set to alter the user interface of your applications to satisfy their individual preferences.
Profile Option – set at run time like – User Related, responsibility, Sequence, Printer, Security.
Values in 4 Levels(HIEARCHY WISE) :-
Application Developer create the profile.
System Administrator make profile option.
(NOTE:- If any change in value, it will active when you re-login or switch to the responsibility.)
( Usage in the multi-tier, the profile is biggest impact)
32) How to register program from backend?
For executable
fnd_program.executable('executable name', 'application name', 'short name', 'description',
'execution method', 'execution file name', '','', 'us','');
33) How to submit concurrent program form backend?
l_request_id number(8);
l_request_id:=fnd_request.submit_request('application name',
'concurrent program name'
'starting time default null',
'sub request default false'
if l_request_id!=0 then
fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,'program successfully completed');
fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log,'program not successfully completed');
end if;
when others then
fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'error occured at the time of submission');
19.What is Schema
Ans:-The create Schema command creates a collection of tables, views, and previlege grants as a single transaction. The schema name is the same as your oracle user name. The create table, create view, an grant commands are the standard commands, and the order in which the commands appear is not important, even if there internal dependencies.
20 What is difference between oracle schema and apps schema.
Ans:-Database Schema-
The APPS schema- is an ORACLE schema that has access to the complete Oracle Applications data model. This schema is maintained by AutoInstall.
21 What are the objects APPS schema contain.
Ans:- The APPS schema contains synonyms to all tables and sequences as well as all server–side code (stored procedures, views, and database triggers). For ERP applications, data partitioning is performed by database views. These views reside in the APPS Oracle schema and derive the appropriate operating unit context from an RDBMS variable.
What is a AOL
Oracle Application or constructed and Maintained by AOL
Main Areas are
* Application security
* Operating Profile
* Concurrent Processing
Where do you use a pair type of value sets.
Where do you use a special type of value sets.
How do you create a table value set, which is dependent on another table type
Value set.
In order to create a valueset which is dependent on another valueset do the following steps:
1. Create a valueset which is the parent valueset.
2. Create a child valueset whose value is fetched after selecting a value of the parent valueset.
1. Create a valueset which is the parent valueset.
2. Create a child valueset whose value is fetched after selecting a value of the parent valueset.
WHERE col_name=:$FLEX$.valueset1
What is :$FLEX$ and :$PROFILE$?
$FLEX$ is used to get a value used in the previous value set. It is usually used to retrieve the Flex value contained in an AOL value set or object.
$PROFILES$ is used to get the value for that profile option. It’s used to get values of various environment variables related to current applications environment.
what is Incompatibility?
Can we delete concurrent Program?
From front end we can not delete the concurrent program. We can only enable or disable the program.
We can delete the concurrent program from back end.
fnd_program.delete_program('Short Name', 'Application');
fnd_program.delete_executable('Short Name', 'Application');
We can delete the concurrent program from back end.
fnd_program.delete_program('Short Name', 'Application');
fnd_program.delete_executable('Short Name', 'Application');
why we will not use TOKEN for PL/SQL Procedure?
Can we delete attached Responsibility to the User?
1. How do you create calender value set?
Weight UOM Class : VOLUME
vOLUMEN uom cLASS : volume
pERSENT Fill Basis: Quantity
Export Compliance Screening : Not Required -- as per requirement..
Release Sequence Rule : Default: Order Number
Pick Slip Grouping Rule : Default: Order Number
Print Pick slip : At the End
Number of pick slip lines: null
Default Pick release document set : create Default rule
Default Stage Subinventory: org code
Autocreate Deliveries: Check
Auto Allocate: Check
Default Stage Locator: Stock locator
Shipping Transaction:
Applsyspub is used for authentication by having read only views
A concurrent request is a request that you submit to run a concurrent program as a concurrent process.
A request set is a collection of reports and/or programs that you group together. You can submit the reports and/or programs in a request set all at once using a single transaction.
For example Say Maintanance is the one of the accounts in that we have cleaning painting expenses when we are not accesssible to main a/c (i.e maintanance) we cannot use sub a/c i.e cleaning and painting when you select Hierarchicalsecurity when it is non-Hierarchical we can use sub a/c i.e painting cleaning etc...
Select a request
In character, do a Quickpick on the Status column
You can select Cancel or Hold
In GUI, use the Cancel or Hold buttons
The Sysadmin responsibility can cancel or hold any running request
(\ navigate profile system)
- Select Level: Site
- Query up Utilities:Diagnostics in the User Profile Options Zone.
If the profile option Utilities:Diagnostics is set to NO, people with access to the Utilities Menu must enter the password for the ORACLE ID of the current responsibility to use Examine. If set to Yes, a password will not be required.
Another easy way is to launch the Oracle Installer and look in the installed products on the right side. It will list all the products installed with their versions.
Another way is to look at the .rgs file. This file is located in $ORACLE_HOME/orainst
On UNIX, it will be called unix.rgs. On the PC, it will be called Windows.rgs.
This file will list all the products installed and their versions. Note though that
this file is not always correct. For example, patching Reports from to will not show up in this file as the new version. Running Reports Designer is the best way of getting the correct version.
Also, on UNIX there is an executable called 'inspdver'. It is located in $ORACLE_HOME/orainst.
Running it will produce a display of all the installed products. It just pulls the information from unix.rgs, so it may show the wrong information as well.
Ans. We can do this in Apps Forms.
Prerequisite: We need to load all the predefined plls for example APPDAYPK for calendars.
Once we have all the dll's required
Assign the key list lamb LOV to the textfield.
Validate from list (property) : No
Key list val trigger of that field -->;
You will get the calendar LOV whenever you enter into that text field...!
2. Table for independent value set
Ans. If you want the base table where the name of the value set is stored then it isFND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS.
3. Define Shipping Parameters
Ans. This is detail about Shipping Parameters..for OM.. The below details are breifly descripb u.. If any clarifications plz.. go to India Local Order Management>> Shipping>> Setup>> Shipping Parameters..General:
Weight UOM Class : VOLUME
vOLUMEN uom cLASS : volume
pERSENT Fill Basis: Quantity
Export Compliance Screening : Not Required -- as per requirement..
Release Sequence Rule : Default: Order Number
Pick Slip Grouping Rule : Default: Order Number
Print Pick slip : At the End
Number of pick slip lines: null
Default Pick release document set : create Default rule
Default Stage Subinventory: org code
Autocreate Deliveries: Check
Auto Allocate: Check
Default Stage Locator: Stock locator
Shipping Transaction:
4. How to schedule the concurrent programs from Back end(PLSQL) -not from SRS form.
Ans. fnd.request.submit_request( Concurrent_program_name,application_short_name
5. What is the role of applsys and applsyspub
Ans. All the technical products' database objects are consolidated into a single schema called ApplsysApplsyspub is used for authentication by having read only views
6. How can we delete a Concurrent Program which is already registered?
Ans. Through the Application Front end its not possible to delete CP. But from backend we can delete it.TO DELETE CONCURRENT PROGRAM
7. What is a concurrent program and a concurrent request set ?
Ans. A concurrent program is an executable file that runs simultaneously with other concurrent programs and with online operations, fully utilizing your hardware capacity. Typically, a concurrent program is a long-running, data-intensive task, such as posting a journal or generating a report.A concurrent request is a request that you submit to run a concurrent program as a concurrent process.
A request set is a collection of reports and/or programs that you group together. You can submit the reports and/or programs in a request set all at once using a single transaction.
8. How do you attach javascript to a menu ? When user clicks on a menu it should display simple message
Ans. No Answer
9. How do I submit a Series of requests from PL/SQL?
Ans. May be your question about series of requests is from PL/SQL. For this it is not possible to submit series of requests at a time their is only one option to submit request from backend is fnd_request.sumbint_request(Paramenters)
10. What is US directory under any TOP?
Ans. This directory contain code related to base language which is US English
11. What so you mean by Hierarchical and non Hierarchical security type in value set?
Ans. This comes into picture when security rule comes into picture.For example Say Maintanance is the one of the accounts in that we have cleaning painting expenses when we are not accesssible to main a/c (i.e maintanance) we cannot use sub a/c i.e cleaning and painting when you select Hierarchicalsecurity when it is non-Hierarchical we can use sub a/c i.e painting cleaning etc...
12. What is the difference between organization id and master organization id?
Ans. In simple wordsOrg_id referes the operating unit and and organization id refers the InventoryOrganizationRegardsKarthikeyan
13. What is quick code? Why is it called a quick code?What is steps of defining a quick code?
Ans. Quick Code or Lookup Code are short names given to some field values. an example is two letter codes given to Country names.
14. What is '$flex$ and '$profile$, What is the use of '$flex$'?
Ans. $Flex$ is used when we need to return the Flex value contained by any AOL Vlauset or AOL object . For Ex . $Flex$. would return the value held by that valueset . $profiles$. are used to get the values of environment variables like org_id or mfg_Organization_id etc which are related to the current apps environment. Ex. $profiles$.org_id would return the operating unit which is active at that time for the user.
15. How can i implement and manage the custom schema?
Ans. basically a schema is collection of objects(tables views indexes sequences) belonging to particular user here in case of Oracle apps every module is implemented as a user for example Order Management is implemented as a user ONT so to create a custom schema we need to create a user and register the user with AOL.check this link for step by step process to create a custom module(Application) and register with oracle AOL.
16. How can I change in custom.pll? After changes how can I send on the server and what's effect in this condition?
Ans. 1. FTP the Custom.pll from $AU_TOP/resource 2. Open the Custom.pll in Forms6i 3. Include the following code for your Form logic : begin Form_Name varchar2(50) : name_in('system.current_form'); If Form_Name 'YOUR CUSTOM FORM then begin include your logic end; end; 4. Once changes over using the following command to generate the CUSTOM.plx f60gen module CUSTOM.pll userid apps/apps@mfgdev module_type LIBRARY to generate the latest CUSTOM.plx and move this CUSTOM.plx to $AU_TOP/resource
17. I have run a request but it is not completed. His status is (running normal) and those requests are giving after this he will be completed.So,now what steps I have to follow for the running request?
Ans. give it some more time. Did you ensure that you had run immediately checked when you submitted the report/request? If it was accidentally scheduled for a later date/time the best thing you can do is to submit it again with correct parameters.
18. I have applied a patch. at the time of applying he update a table and suddenly he gives the error that table is lock. Now what i do?
Ans. use adctrl utility to monitor and restart adworkers after fixing your locking problem. check ad workers log file that show you which table has problem and error message
19. where would i find the .rf9 files what actualy it dose
Ans. .rf9 files are created while applying patches usually in $APPL_TOP/admin/SID/restart directory
20. How can i disabled and enabled the standard button's in apps window?
Ans. You can do this with Custom.pll and if ur using apps version greater that 11.5.9 then you can do this with form personlization too
21. How do i recover the responsibility in apps if it is disabled?
Ans. We can also recover through the following steps:Go to system administrator responsibility > Security > Responsibility > Define > Give the particular responsibility name query on it and then see the effective dates to field. If any date is there then that repsonsibility will expire on that date and if it is null then it will not expire on any date.
22. Where do concurrent request log files and output files go?
Ans. The concurrent manager first looks for the environment variable $APPLCSF If this is set, it creates a path using two other environment variables: $APPLLOG and $APPLOUT It places log files in $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG Output files go in $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT So for example, if you have this environment set: $APPLCSF = /u01/appl/common $APPLLOG = log $APPLOUT = out The concurrent manager will place log files in /u01/appl/common/log, and output files in /u01/appl/common/out Note that $APPLCSF must be a full, absolute path, and the other two are directory names. If $APPLCSF is not set, it places the files under the product top of the application associated with the request. So for example, a PO report would go under $PO_TOP/$APPLLOG and $PO_TOP/$APPLOUT Logfiles go to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/log Output files to: /u01/appl/po/9.0/out Of course, all these directories must exist and have the correct permissions. Note that all concurrent requests produce a log file, but not necessarily an output file.
23. What are the logfile and output file naming conventions?
Ans. Log file get following name by default: lRequest_id.reqand Output file get following name by default : oRequest_id.out Output files are stored at $APPLCSF/$APPLOUT and Log files are stored at $APPLCSF/log These paths may vary depending on the setups that sys admins perform at the time of Oracle Apps installation 24.How do I check if Multi-org is installed? Ans. SELECT MULTI_ORG_FLAG FROM FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS If MULTI_ORG_FLAG is set to 'Y' Then its Multi Org. If MULTI_ORG_FLAG is set to 'N' Then its single Org.
30. How do I cancel a running concurrent request?
Ans. Navigate to the Concurrent Request Summary form Select a request
In character, do a Quickpick on the Status column
You can select Cancel or Hold
In GUI, use the Cancel or Hold buttons
The Sysadmin responsibility can cancel or hold any running request
31. Why does Help->Tools->Examine ask for a password?
Ans. Navigate to the Update System Profile Screen. (\ navigate profile system)
- Select Level: Site
- Query up Utilities:Diagnostics in the User Profile Options Zone.
If the profile option Utilities:Diagnostics is set to NO, people with access to the Utilities Menu must enter the password for the ORACLE ID of the current responsibility to use Examine. If set to Yes, a password will not be required.
32. How do I open a form in query-only mode?
Ans. go to applcation developer responsibilitynavigation->Application/function.query the function name then goto form tab then goto parameters field then write the following code in that fieldQUERY_YES= YES save the changes and then see the forms get affected in query only mode.
33. How do I find the version of an installed product? (such as Reports, SQL*Net etc.)
Ans. One of the easiest ways is to run the product if you can. Running Reports designer will give you the Reports version, running SQL*Plus will give you its version etc. Another easy way is to launch the Oracle Installer and look in the installed products on the right side. It will list all the products installed with their versions.
Another way is to look at the .rgs file. This file is located in $ORACLE_HOME/orainst
On UNIX, it will be called unix.rgs. On the PC, it will be called Windows.rgs.
This file will list all the products installed and their versions. Note though that
this file is not always correct. For example, patching Reports from to will not show up in this file as the new version. Running Reports Designer is the best way of getting the correct version.
Also, on UNIX there is an executable called 'inspdver'. It is located in $ORACLE_HOME/orainst.
Running it will produce a display of all the installed products. It just pulls the information from unix.rgs, so it may show the wrong information as well.
34. How do I generate one single form? (As opposed to using adadmin to generate them all)
35. What should I do if I am missing an executable from my APPL_TOP?
Ans. relink the particular module eg :if FNDLOAD is missing then relink FND module
To be added later
If you're looking for Oracle EBS Interview Questions for Experienced or Freshers, you are at right place. There are lot of opportunities from many reputed companies in the world. According to research Oracle EBS has a market share of about 8.2%. So, You still have opportunity to move ahead in your career in Oracle EBS Development. Mindmajix offers Advanced Oracle EBS Interview Questions 2019 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire dream career as Oracle EBS Developer.
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Q. What is purpose of applsyspub user in Oracle EBS?
APPLSYSPUB is an initial, pre-authentication user with minimal privileges to assist with APPS (FND) user authentication. Usernames and passwords are stored in the FND_USER table, we need to have a pre-connection to the database. This connection is established using APPLSYSPUB user. After successfull login, associated database login will switch to APPS user from APPLSYSPUB user. APPLSYSPUB has only Read-Only privileges on a few tables and views for signing on to Applications.
APPLSYSPUB is an initial, pre-authentication user with minimal privileges to assist with APPS (FND) user authentication. Usernames and passwords are stored in the FND_USER table, we need to have a pre-connection to the database. This connection is established using APPLSYSPUB user. After successfull login, associated database login will switch to APPS user from APPLSYSPUB user. APPLSYSPUB has only Read-Only privileges on a few tables and views for signing on to Applications.
Q. What is purpose of Applications Listener in Oracle EBS?
During concurrent managers startup ICM instructs Applications Listener to spawn FNDSM (Service manager) process.
You can confirm this by checking listener.ora configuration file on apps tier, which is located under directory $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin:
During concurrent managers startup ICM instructs Applications Listener to spawn FNDSM (Service manager) process.
You can confirm this by checking listener.ora configuration file on apps tier, which is located under directory $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin:
( ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/apps/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2 )
( PROGRAM = /u01/app/apps/fs1/EBSapps/appl/fnd/12.0.0/bin/FNDSM )
(envs=’MYAPPSORA=/u01/app/apps/fs1/EBSapps/appl/APPSPROD_tvmdb19.env, PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/bin, FNDSM_SCRIPT=/u01/app/apps/fs1/inst/apps/PROD_tvmdb19/admin/scripts/’ )
Q. Is it possible to run two adpatch sessions simultaneously for one EBS instance?
It’s possible to run several adpatch sessions, but they will eventually fail. At different stages of work you may get different errors. One of them related to FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table which is created to keep track of what jobs adpatch workers are doing. Sample error message:
The table FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES created by AutoPatch already exists.
If you are sure you do not want to keep the information from the failed
AutoPatch session,you may drop FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table and
continue with AutoPatch.
If you choose not to drop FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table, AutoPatch
cannot continue successfully.
It’s possible to run several adpatch sessions, but they will eventually fail. At different stages of work you may get different errors. One of them related to FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table which is created to keep track of what jobs adpatch workers are doing. Sample error message:
The table FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES created by AutoPatch already exists.
If you are sure you do not want to keep the information from the failed
AutoPatch session,you may drop FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table and
continue with AutoPatch.
If you choose not to drop FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table, AutoPatch
cannot continue successfully.
Q. What is procedure of patching in case of multi-node EBS installation and non-shared application tier?
In this case you have to apply patches on every application node. Also the answer depends on EBS release number. If it’s 11i, then you have to start patching from node where administration server is located. Reason for that – adpatch runs database part of unified driver only on node where administration server is located.
Release R12 eliminated need for DBAs to pay attention at patching sequence. Here is quote from R12 concepts: “There is no concept of an Administration server in Release 12. By default, patching can be undertaken from any application tier node.”
In this case you have to apply patches on every application node. Also the answer depends on EBS release number. If it’s 11i, then you have to start patching from node where administration server is located. Reason for that – adpatch runs database part of unified driver only on node where administration server is located.
Release R12 eliminated need for DBAs to pay attention at patching sequence. Here is quote from R12 concepts: “There is no concept of an Administration server in Release 12. By default, patching can be undertaken from any application tier node.”
Q. Is it required to run autoconfig on all nodes in case of Shared Application Tier multi-node installation?
Yes. All configuration files created by AutoConfig are stored under the Instance Home. So to update all Instance Homes it’s required to run autoconfig on each node.
Yes. All configuration files created by AutoConfig are stored under the Instance Home. So to update all Instance Homes it’s required to run autoconfig on each node.
Q. Does ICM (Internal concurrent manager) processes concurrent requests?
It does, but only specific ones. ICM controls other concurrent managers and executes queue control requests, such as ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, or ABORT
It does, but only specific ones. ICM controls other concurrent managers and executes queue control requests, such as ACTIVATE, DEACTIVATE, or ABORT
Q. If ICM is terminated abnormally (for example killed), will other managers continue to process requests?
Yes, other managers will continue to perform their usual work. However it doesn’t apply to the case when you stop ICM using Administer concurrent managers form. In this case, other managers will be shut down.
Yes, other managers will continue to perform their usual work. However it doesn’t apply to the case when you stop ICM using Administer concurrent managers form. In this case, other managers will be shut down.
Q. What is the Directory structure on the server ?
Application Directory
bin sql log srw mesg
lib rpt forms out plsql
( lang )
1. Bin : Contains executable code of your concurrent programs written in a programming language such as C, Pro*C, Fortran, or an operating system script.
2. Lib : Contains compiled object code of your concurrent programs.
3. Sql : Contains concurrent programs written in SQL*Plus and PL/SQL scripts.
4. Rpt : Contains concurrent programs written with SQL*Reports.
5. Log : Contains log files from concurrent programs.
6. Forms/(Language) : Each language has a subdirectory ( such as US ). The language subdirectory holds the forms .fmx files.
7. Srw : Contains concurrent programs written with Oracle Reports.
8. Out : Contains output files from concurrent program.
9. Mesg : Holds your application message files for Message dictionary.
10. PLSQL : Contains PL/SQL libraries used with Oracle reports.
Application Directory
bin sql log srw mesg
lib rpt forms out plsql
( lang )
1. Bin : Contains executable code of your concurrent programs written in a programming language such as C, Pro*C, Fortran, or an operating system script.
2. Lib : Contains compiled object code of your concurrent programs.
3. Sql : Contains concurrent programs written in SQL*Plus and PL/SQL scripts.
4. Rpt : Contains concurrent programs written with SQL*Reports.
5. Log : Contains log files from concurrent programs.
6. Forms/(Language) : Each language has a subdirectory ( such as US ). The language subdirectory holds the forms .fmx files.
7. Srw : Contains concurrent programs written with Oracle Reports.
8. Out : Contains output files from concurrent program.
9. Mesg : Holds your application message files for Message dictionary.
10. PLSQL : Contains PL/SQL libraries used with Oracle reports.
Q. What are the salient features of Aol and Sysadmin functions?
As evident from the name AOL i.e. Application Object Library is the Library that contains all the Objects of an Application. For Oracle Apps. To recognize any object, such object must be registered with this Library.
As evident from the name AOL i.e. Application Object Library is the Library that contains all the Objects of an Application. For Oracle Apps. To recognize any object, such object must be registered with this Library.
Salient Features –
1. Registering Tables with Oracle Apps.
2. Registering Forms with Oracle Apps.
3. Registering Concurrent Programs with Oracle Apps.
4. Building Menus.
5. Building Flexfields.
6. Enabling Zoom.
7. Building Message Dictionary.
1. Registering Tables with Oracle Apps.
2. Registering Forms with Oracle Apps.
3. Registering Concurrent Programs with Oracle Apps.
4. Building Menus.
5. Building Flexfields.
6. Enabling Zoom.
7. Building Message Dictionary.
1. Manage Oracle Applications security.
2. Manage Concurrent programs & Reports.
3. Manage Concurrent processing.
4. Manage Printers.
5. Manage Profile Options.
6. Manage Document Sequences.
1. Manage Oracle Applications security.
2. Manage Concurrent programs & Reports.
3. Manage Concurrent processing.
4. Manage Printers.
5. Manage Profile Options.
6. Manage Document Sequences.
Q. How do you create a customized form in Apps?
You will find it in c:Apps10Fnd75FormsUs
Features –
Starting your form with TEMPLATE is the only way to ensure you get the following:
a) Applications Property Classes and Visual Attributes.
b) Toolbar.
c) Menu.
d) Calendar.
e) Required Form-Level triggers.
f) Required Procedures.
g) Applications color palatte.
h) Required Parameters.
i) Required LOVs and Record Groups.
j) And much more !
You will find it in c:Apps10Fnd75FormsUs
Features –
Starting your form with TEMPLATE is the only way to ensure you get the following:
a) Applications Property Classes and Visual Attributes.
b) Toolbar.
c) Menu.
d) Calendar.
e) Required Form-Level triggers.
f) Required Procedures.
g) Applications color palatte.
h) Required Parameters.
i) Required LOVs and Record Groups.
j) And much more !
Q. Which PlSql libraries are used in customization of form and for what purpose ?
Attached Libraries Used in forms development –
a) APPCORE – Supports Form and User Interface Features.
Packages and Procedures that support the menu, Toolbar and other standard behaviours.
Use APPCORE routines to enable fields to enable fields dynamically, maintain dependencies between items, and control specific window behaviours.
c) FNDSQF – Supports Many Application Object Library Features.
Most AOL extensions such as message dictionary, multicurrency, WHO information tracking.
Includes Flexfield packages and procedures.
d) JA
e) JL
f) JE
g) CUSTOM – Supports Zoom.
h) APPDAYPK – Supports the Calendar.
Attached Libraries Used in forms development –
a) APPCORE – Supports Form and User Interface Features.
Packages and Procedures that support the menu, Toolbar and other standard behaviours.
Use APPCORE routines to enable fields to enable fields dynamically, maintain dependencies between items, and control specific window behaviours.
c) FNDSQF – Supports Many Application Object Library Features.
Most AOL extensions such as message dictionary, multicurrency, WHO information tracking.
Includes Flexfield packages and procedures.
d) JA
e) JL
f) JE
g) CUSTOM – Supports Zoom.
h) APPDAYPK – Supports the Calendar.
Q. What is ZOOM ?
In certain cases, it is useful to be able to access one form directly from another. For example, it may be very convenient to be able to open the Customers form directly from the Sales Orders form, to allow entry of a new customer while creating a new order, or to view information about a customer that has already been defined. From within certain forms you can open another form directly by using the Special menu or, depending on how Oracle Applications has been customized at your site, by choosing Zoom from the Go menu.
Oracle Applications ship with no Zooms defined, and the Zoom entry on the Action menu is disabled. When this feature is available and how it behaves are determined by how Oracle Applications is customized at your site.
Zoom allows the addition of user-invoked logic on a per-block basis.
In certain cases, it is useful to be able to access one form directly from another. For example, it may be very convenient to be able to open the Customers form directly from the Sales Orders form, to allow entry of a new customer while creating a new order, or to view information about a customer that has already been defined. From within certain forms you can open another form directly by using the Special menu or, depending on how Oracle Applications has been customized at your site, by choosing Zoom from the Go menu.
Oracle Applications ship with no Zooms defined, and the Zoom entry on the Action menu is disabled. When this feature is available and how it behaves are determined by how Oracle Applications is customized at your site.
Zoom allows the addition of user-invoked logic on a per-block basis.
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Q. How do you register tables in Apps ? What is the PL/SQl package used for registering ?
With Release 10.6 and 10.7, you now register your custom application tables using a PL/SQL routine in the AD_DD package.
Procedures in the AD_DD Package
procedure register_table (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_tab_type in varchar2,
p_next_extent in number default 512,
p_pct_free in number default 10,
p_pct_used in number default 70);
procedure register_column (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2,
p_col_seq in number,
p_col_type in varchar2,
p_col_width in number,
p_nullable in varchar2,
p_translate in varchar2,
p_precision in number default null,
p_scale in number default null);
procedure delete_table (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2);
procedure delete_column (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2);
p_appl_short_name The application short name of the application that owns the table (usually your custom application).
p_tab_name The name of the table (in uppercase letters).
p_tab_type Use ‘T’ if it is a transaction table (almost all application tables), or ‘S’ for a “seed data” table (used only by Oracle Applications products).
p_pct_free The percentage of space in each of the table’s blocks reserved for future updates to the table (1-99). The sum of p_pct_free and p_pct_used must be less than 100.
p_pct_used Minimum percentage of used space in each data block of the table (1-99). The sum of p_pct_free and p_pct_used must be less than 100.
p_col_name The name of the column (in uppercase letters).
p_col_seq The sequence number of the column in the table (the order in which the column appears in the table definition).
p_col_type The column type (‘NUMBER’, ‘VARCHAR2?, ‘DATE’, etc.).
p_col_width The column size (a number). Use 9 for DATE columns, 38 for NUMBER columns (unless it has a specific width).
p_nullable Use ‘N’ if the column is mandatory or ‘Y’ if the column allows null values.
p_translate Use ‘Y’ if the column values will be translated for an Oracle Applications product release (used only by Oracle Applications products) or ‘N’ if the values are not translated (most application columns).
p_next_extent The next extent size, in kilobytes. Do not include the ‘K’.
p_precision The total number of digits in a number.
p_scale The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.
With Release 10.6 and 10.7, you now register your custom application tables using a PL/SQL routine in the AD_DD package.
Procedures in the AD_DD Package
procedure register_table (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_tab_type in varchar2,
p_next_extent in number default 512,
p_pct_free in number default 10,
p_pct_used in number default 70);
procedure register_column (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2,
p_col_seq in number,
p_col_type in varchar2,
p_col_width in number,
p_nullable in varchar2,
p_translate in varchar2,
p_precision in number default null,
p_scale in number default null);
procedure delete_table (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2);
procedure delete_column (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2);
p_appl_short_name The application short name of the application that owns the table (usually your custom application).
p_tab_name The name of the table (in uppercase letters).
p_tab_type Use ‘T’ if it is a transaction table (almost all application tables), or ‘S’ for a “seed data” table (used only by Oracle Applications products).
p_pct_free The percentage of space in each of the table’s blocks reserved for future updates to the table (1-99). The sum of p_pct_free and p_pct_used must be less than 100.
p_pct_used Minimum percentage of used space in each data block of the table (1-99). The sum of p_pct_free and p_pct_used must be less than 100.
p_col_name The name of the column (in uppercase letters).
p_col_seq The sequence number of the column in the table (the order in which the column appears in the table definition).
p_col_type The column type (‘NUMBER’, ‘VARCHAR2?, ‘DATE’, etc.).
p_col_width The column size (a number). Use 9 for DATE columns, 38 for NUMBER columns (unless it has a specific width).
p_nullable Use ‘N’ if the column is mandatory or ‘Y’ if the column allows null values.
p_translate Use ‘Y’ if the column values will be translated for an Oracle Applications product release (used only by Oracle Applications products) or ‘N’ if the values are not translated (most application columns).
p_next_extent The next extent size, in kilobytes. Do not include the ‘K’.
p_precision The total number of digits in a number.
p_scale The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.
Find below the Interview questions related to oracle apps technical interview. The Questions are primarily on Sysadmin and AOL (Application Object Library) Responsibilities. The questions are in MCQ style. The answers are written at the end of each question.
1. Which of the following is not associated with a responsibility?
A. Menu
B. Request group
C. Data group
D. Password expiration
1. Which of the following is not associated with a responsibility?
A. Menu
B. Request group
C. Data group
D. Password expiration
2. What do you need to do to allow a different user to see your output file?
A. The user must log on as a system administrator.
B. The user must have the View My Requests form in system administrator mode.
C. The user must be logged on with the same responsibility as the user that generated the output file, and the profile option Concurrent: Report Access Level value must be set to Responsibility.
D. The user must be logged on as the same responsibility as the one that generated the output file and profile option Concurrent: Report Access Level value is User.
A. The user must log on as a system administrator.
B. The user must have the View My Requests form in system administrator mode.
C. The user must be logged on with the same responsibility as the user that generated the output file, and the profile option Concurrent: Report Access Level value must be set to Responsibility.
D. The user must be logged on as the same responsibility as the one that generated the output file and profile option Concurrent: Report Access Level value is User.
3. When will a request group become a request security group?
A. When the request group is assigned to a responsibility
B. When the request group is specified for the Submit Request form
C. When the request group is defined with request sets
D. When the request group is defined with stage functions
A. When the request group is assigned to a responsibility
B. When the request group is specified for the Submit Request form
C. When the request group is defined with request sets
D. When the request group is defined with stage functions
4. How can you customize the SRS process?
A. Change the form title
B. Restrict it by request group
C Eliminate the Submit Another Request dialog window
D. All of the above
A. Change the form title
B. Restrict it by request group
C Eliminate the Submit Another Request dialog window
D. All of the above
5. Which is not a component of a request set?
A. Stage
B. Group
C. Request
D. Parameter Ans:B
A. Stage
B. Group
C. Request
D. Parameter Ans:B
6. Which of the following operations cannot be performed with the internal concurrent manager?
A. Restart
B. Verify
C. Deactivate
D. Terminate
A. Restart
B. Verify
C. Deactivate
D. Terminate
7. Which one of the following will be the correct outcome with two include rules in a combined rule?
A. Program will be included if the program is in one of the include rules
B. Program will be included if the program is in both of the include rules
C. Program will be included if the program is run by one of the two Oracle IDs in the include rules
D. None of the above
A. Program will be included if the program is in one of the include rules
B. Program will be included if the program is in both of the include rules
C. Program will be included if the program is run by one of the two Oracle IDs in the include rules
D. None of the above
8. When will the number of actual processes be less than the number of target processes?
A. When the concurrent manager is down
B. When the concurrent manager is coming up
C. When there are not enough requests
D. All of the above
A. When the concurrent manager is down
B. When the concurrent manager is coming up
C. When there are not enough requests
D. All of the above
9. Which of the following is not a component of parallel concurrent processing?
A. Internal monitor
B. Transaction manager
C. Primary node
D. Secondary node
A. Internal monitor
B. Transaction manager
C. Primary node
D. Secondary node
10. Which of the following is the overriding level for profile option values?
A. Site
B. Application
C. Responsibility
D. User
A. Site
B. Application
C. Responsibility
D. User
11. Which of the following is the correct sequence for setting up database change audits? A. Audit installations, audit tables, audit groups, audit trail update tables request
B. Audit installation, audit groups, audit tables, audit trail update tables request
C. Audit trail update tables request, audit installation, audit groups, audit tables
D. Audit groups, audit tables, audit trail update tables request, Audit Installation
B. Audit installation, audit groups, audit tables, audit trail update tables request
C. Audit trail update tables request, audit installation, audit groups, audit tables
D. Audit groups, audit tables, audit trail update tables request, Audit Installation
12. Which of the following is not a document sequence type?
A. Category
B. Automatic
C. Gapless
D. Manual
A. Category
B. Automatic
C. Gapless
D. Manual
13. Which of the following determines the subdirectory for an executable?
A. Application name
B. Execution method
C. Subroutine
D. Execution filename
A. Application name
B. Execution method
C. Subroutine
D. Execution filename
14. For what is the Token field used?
A. Default value
B. Profile option value
C. Oracle Reports parameter
D. Value set
A. Default value
B. Profile option value
C. Oracle Reports parameter
D. Value set
15. How are output files associated with various printer components?
A. Through the printer type of the selected printer and the selected print style
B. Through the selected print style and the selected printer driver
C. Through the selected printer type and the selected print style
D. Through the printer type of the selected printer and the selected
A. Through the printer type of the selected printer and the selected print style
B. Through the selected print style and the selected printer driver
C. Through the selected printer type and the selected print style
D. Through the printer type of the selected printer and the selected
User Account in Oracle Apps
To access forms/reports or perform any activity in Oracle E-business suite, one must be setup as a user. User account can be created by someone who has access to System Administrator responsibility. Often, first the person is registered in HR module as an employee or contractor and then associated with the user
We will now see how to create a user account:
1. Log into System Administrator responsibility > Security > User > Define
To access forms/reports or perform any activity in Oracle E-business suite, one must be setup as a user. User account can be created by someone who has access to System Administrator responsibility. Often, first the person is registered in HR module as an employee or contractor and then associated with the user
We will now see how to create a user account:
1. Log into System Administrator responsibility > Security > User > Define
2. This opens up the User form
3. Enter the below details in the Users Section:
User Name: Enter a unique name to identify this user. User will enter this username to login to Oracle Apps
Password: Enter the password. User enters this password along with his username to sign on to Oracle Applications. You are required to enter the password again for verification.
Description: Enter a meaningful description for this user account.
Password Expiration: Specify when the current password should expire like after every 15 days or after 100 accesses or no expiration at all.
Person: If this person has been created as an employee in HRMS, you can associate that employee record to this user account by specifying the employee name (last name and first name separated by comma) here.
Customer: If this person has been created as customer in AR, you can associate that customer record to this user account by specifying the customer name (last name and first name separated by comma) here.
Supplier: If this person has been created as Supplier in AP, you can associate that supplier record to this user account by specifying the supplier name (last name and first name separated by comma) here.
Email: Enter the Email address for this user
Fax: Enter the fax number for this user
Effective Dates: The user cannot sign login to Oracle Apps before the start date or after the end date. The default for the start date is the current date. If you do not enter an end date, the username is valid indefinitely.
Once a user account is created, you cannot delete it. You can only deactivate it by entering the end date as current date.
User Name: Enter a unique name to identify this user. User will enter this username to login to Oracle Apps
Password: Enter the password. User enters this password along with his username to sign on to Oracle Applications. You are required to enter the password again for verification.
Description: Enter a meaningful description for this user account.
Password Expiration: Specify when the current password should expire like after every 15 days or after 100 accesses or no expiration at all.
Person: If this person has been created as an employee in HRMS, you can associate that employee record to this user account by specifying the employee name (last name and first name separated by comma) here.
Customer: If this person has been created as customer in AR, you can associate that customer record to this user account by specifying the customer name (last name and first name separated by comma) here.
Supplier: If this person has been created as Supplier in AP, you can associate that supplier record to this user account by specifying the supplier name (last name and first name separated by comma) here.
Email: Enter the Email address for this user
Fax: Enter the fax number for this user
Effective Dates: The user cannot sign login to Oracle Apps before the start date or after the end date. The default for the start date is the current date. If you do not enter an end date, the username is valid indefinitely.
Once a user account is created, you cannot delete it. You can only deactivate it by entering the end date as current date.
4. Enter the below under “Direct Responsibilities” tab:
When a user account is created, he must be assigned at least one responsibility.
Responsibility: Enter the name of the responsibility you want to assign to this user.
From/To: A user can get into the assigned responsibility only after the start date and before
the end date.You cannot delete a responsibility. You can deactivate a user’s responsibility at any time by setting the End Date to the current date.
When a user account is created, he must be assigned at least one responsibility.
Responsibility: Enter the name of the responsibility you want to assign to this user.
From/To: A user can get into the assigned responsibility only after the start date and before
the end date.You cannot delete a responsibility. You can deactivate a user’s responsibility at any time by setting the End Date to the current date.
5. Indirect Responsibilities:
These are used only if Oracle User Management module is implemented. The responsibilities will automatically be inherited through membership of a group to which the responsibility has been assigned.
These are used only if Oracle User Management module is implemented. The responsibilities will automatically be inherited through membership of a group to which the responsibility has been assigned.
6. Securing Attributes:
Securing attributes are used by some Oracle HTML-based applications to allow rows (records) of data to be visible to specified users or responsibilities based on the specific data (attribute values) contained in the row.
Securing attributes are used by some Oracle HTML-based applications to allow rows (records) of data to be visible to specified users or responsibilities based on the specific data (attribute values) contained in the row.
8. Let’s log in with the user account that has been created just now. When the user logs in for the first time, he is required to change the password before proceeding further.![u4](
Underlying table where user data is stored:
User details are stored in FND_USER table. This table is owned by FND module.
The main fields of this table are as follows:
User_ID: Automatically generated unique number
User_Name: Name as entered on the user definition screen
Employee_ID: Employee ID from HR module. Populated if the Employee name is associated with the user.
Party_ID: Party_ID from HZ_PARTIES table. Each user is also created in HZ_PARTIES table as a party.
Whenever user creates or updates a transaction in any module, the transaction record is stamped with the user id. The user id is usually stored as CREATED_BY or LAST_UPDATED_BY field in the respective transaction table.
User ID of the current user can be accessed using a package FND_GLOBAL. Suppose, we need to get the current user id in a custom program. We can get the user id using the following code:
l_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Some Profile Options that govern the password security are as below:
1. Signon password failure limit: This profile dictates how many times can one try to access the system using wrong password. It is recommended to change this value to 3. The default value is null.
2. Signon Password Length: This profile dictates what the minimum password length should be. The default value is 5, it is recommended to make it 6 or 7.
3. Signon Password No Reuse: If set, this will not allow using same password again for specified number of days.
4. Signon Password Hard to Guess: The default value is No.
2. Signon Password Length: This profile dictates what the minimum password length should be. The default value is 5, it is recommended to make it 6 or 7.
3. Signon Password No Reuse: If set, this will not allow using same password again for specified number of days.
4. Signon Password Hard to Guess: The default value is No.
Following are the password rules if the value is set to Yes
i. The password should contain at least one letter and at least one number.
ii. The password does not contain the username.
i. The password should contain at least one letter and at least one number.
ii. The password does not contain the username.
iii. The password does not contain consecutively repeating characters.
Register Custom Tables in Oracle Apps:
Say you have a custom table called “ERPS_EMPLOYEE” with columns EMP_ID, EMP_NAME and EMP_TYPE in your database. You need to create a TABLE type Value set that pulls up information from this table as LOV. If you give in the custom table name in “TABLE NAME” field in the “Validation Table Information” Form, Oracle Apps will not recognize it and you will get the below error saying table does not exist.
So to make your custom table visible in front end ( while creating Value Set or in Alerts or Audits etc), you have to register it in Oracle Apps.
Let’s now see how to register a custom table. You will need API named AD_DD for this.
1. First you register the table using the below API:
2. Secondly register each of the columns as below:
Register Column EMP_ID
Register Column EMP_ID
Register Column EMP_NAME
Register Column EMP_TYPE
3. Thirdly you register Primary Key if the table has any using the below code snippet:
4. Finally you register Primary Key column if your table has a primary key:
Navigate to Application Developer responsibility > Application > Database > Table
Query for the table name that we have registered – “ERPS_EMPLOYEE”. Please note that you cannot register your table using this form in the front end. You will have to use API. This form is only meant for viewing the information.
Check for the primary key information by clicking on the Primary Key button
Now in your Value set, you will be able to use the table ERPS_EMPLOYEE without any errors.
To delete the registered Tables and its columns, use the below API:
AD_DD.DELETE_TABLE( appl_short_name, table_name);
Usage of $FLEX$ and $PROFILE$ In concurrent program parameters
This article illustrates the usage of $FLEX$ and $PROFILE$ with an example.
$FLEX$ is a special bind variable that can be used to base a parameter value on the other parameters (dependent parameters)
Syntax — :$FLEX$.Value_ Set_Name
Value_Set_Name is the name of value set for a prior parameter in the same parameter window that you want your parameter to depend on.
Some scenarios where $FLEX$ can be used:
Say you have a concurrent program with the below 2 parameters which are valuesets :
Parameter1 is Deparment
Parameter2 is Employee name
Let’s say there are 100 deparments and each deparment has 200 employees. Therefore we have 2000 employees altogether.
If we display all department names in the valueset of parameter1 and all employee names in parameter2 value set then it might kill lot of performance and also it will be hard for a user to select an employee from the list of 2000 entries.
Better Solution is to let user select the department from the Department Valuset first. Based on the department selected, you can display only the employees in parameter2 that belong to the selected department in parameter1 valueset.
Say you have a concurrent program with the below 2 parameters:
parameter1: directory path
parameter2: filename
Parameter1 and parameter2 are dependent on each other. If the user doesn’t enter directory path, there is no point in enabling the parameter2 i.e filename. In such a case, parameter should be disabled.This can be achieved using $FLEX$.
Working Example of how to use $FLEX$:
Let’s take the standard concurrent program “AP Withholding Tax Extract” to explain how to use $FLEX$.
This program has 7 parameters like “Date From”, “Date To”, “Supplier From”, “Supplier To” etc
The requirement is to add an additional parameter called “File Name” where the user will give a name to the flat file where the tax extract will be written to, as a parameter. Instead of typing in the name of the file everytime you run the program, the file name should be defaulted with the value that the user provides for the parameter “Date From” plus “.csv” which is the file extension. Let us now see how this can be achieved using $FLEX$.
Navigation: Application Developer responsibility > Concurrent > Program
Query up the Concurrent
Click “Parameters” Button
Add the parameter “File
- Seq: 80 (Something that is not already assigned to other parameters. It’s always better to enter sequences in multiple of 5 or 10. So that you can insert any additional parameters if you want later in middle)
- Parameter: ‘File Name’
- Description: ‘File Name’
- Value set: ‘240 Characters’
- Prompt: File Name
- Default Type: SQL Statement
- Default Value: Select :$FLEX$.FND_STANDARD_DATE||’.csv’ from dual
Here FND_STANDARD_DATE is the value set name of the parameter “Date From” as seen in the above screenshot.
$FLEX$.FND_STANDARD_DATE gets the value that the user enters for the parameter “Date From”
“select :$FLEX$.FND_STANDARD_DATE||’.csv’ from dual” returns “Date From” parameter value appended with ‘.csv’
Save your work.
Now go to the respective responsibility and run the concurrent program.
When you enter the value of “Date From” and hit tab, File Name parameter will automatically be populated as shown in the below screenshot.
$PROFILES$: This will be used to get the Profile value in the Table Value set or from the front end.
To get Profile values from backend we are using Fnd_Profile.Value or Fnd_Profile.get()
Syntax : :$PROFILES$.Profile Name
22USER : 204
23USER : 887
24USER : 911
Ex: Display the PO’s which are created by the current User
If 22user ope the LOV it has to display the PO’s which are created by 22 user
Enable Trace for a concurrent program
The main use of enabling trace for a concurrent program comes during performance tuning.
By examining a trace file, we come to know which query/queries is/are taking the longest
time to execute, there by letting us to concentrate on tuning them in order to improve the
overall performance of the program.
The following is an illustration of how to Enable and View a trace file for a Concurrent Program.
Navigation: Application Developer–>Concurrent–>Program
Check the Enable Trace Check box. After that go to that particular Responsibility and run the Concurrent Program.
Check that the Concurrent Program has been completed successfully.
The trace file by default is post fixed with oracle Process_id which helps us to identify which trace file belongs to which concurrent request. The below SQL Query returns the process_id of the concurrent request:
Select oracle_process_id from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=’2768335′
(This query displays Process Id)
The path to the trace file can be found in 2 ways
1.Run the below query in the database:
(This Query displays the path of trace file)
2. Login As sysadmin
Navigation> OAM->OAM Setup->Site MAP->Monitoring->System Configuration-> Database Init.ora Setting.
Check out the value for Parameter user_dump_dest which is nothing but the trace file location.
The Trace File generated will not be in the readable format. We have to use TKPROF utility to convert the file into a readable format.
Run the below tkprof command at the command prompt.
TKPROF < Trace File_Name.trc> <Output_File_Name.out> SORT=fchela
A readable file will be generated from the original trace file which can be further
analyzed to improve the performance. This file has the information about the
parsing, execution and fetch times of various queries used in the program.
Responsibility in Oracle Apps
Responsibility in Oracle Apps:
A responsibility lets you control what (forms / reports ) a user can access when logged into it.
A responsibility will have one main menu. Under that main menu you can have other sub menus or functions. Each of these responsibilities can be assigned to various user accounts.
Menu is assigned to responsibility –> Responsibility is assigned the user.
When user logs into Oracle apps, he will see a list of responsibilities that he can access. When he gets into one of the responsibilities, he will see the list of menus, sub menus and functions he can access.
A responsibility lets you control what (forms / reports ) a user can access when logged into it.
A responsibility will have one main menu. Under that main menu you can have other sub menus or functions. Each of these responsibilities can be assigned to various user accounts.
Menu is assigned to responsibility –> Responsibility is assigned the user.
When user logs into Oracle apps, he will see a list of responsibilities that he can access. When he gets into one of the responsibilities, he will see the list of menus, sub menus and functions he can access.
If you log in to System Administrator responsibility, you will see a whole lot of sub menus and functions. Say for some security reasons, a particular user should be given access only to two forms – Users form and Responsibility form. He should not be get to any other forms in System administrator menu. Now lets see how to achieve this requirement.
1. Create a custom menu that will only have the forms – Users and Responsibility.
Refer to the article Menu in Oracle Apps
Refer to the article Menu in Oracle Apps
2. Create a new responsibility called “erpSchools Access Resp” and assign the custom menu that has been created in Step 1.
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
Enter the below details and save.
Responsibility Name: Meaningful name for the new responsibility. Users will see this name in the responsibilities list.
Application: Since this is a custom responsibility, give in the custom application name.
Responsibility Key: Short name for this responsibility for internal use.
Description: Meaningful description that conveys the need for this responsibility.
Effective Dates: The date range during which the user can access this responsibility.
Available From: From what Oracle Application system, this responsibility can be accessed from.
Menu: The menu you want to see under the responsibility.
Request Group: What reports or concurrent requests the user can run from this responsibility.
Data Group: The data group defines the pairing of application and ORACLE username. Select the application whose ORACLE username forms connect to when you choose this responsibility to access the underneath database tables.
Responsibility Name: Meaningful name for the new responsibility. Users will see this name in the responsibilities list.
Application: Since this is a custom responsibility, give in the custom application name.
Responsibility Key: Short name for this responsibility for internal use.
Description: Meaningful description that conveys the need for this responsibility.
Effective Dates: The date range during which the user can access this responsibility.
Available From: From what Oracle Application system, this responsibility can be accessed from.
Menu: The menu you want to see under the responsibility.
Request Group: What reports or concurrent requests the user can run from this responsibility.
Data Group: The data group defines the pairing of application and ORACLE username. Select the application whose ORACLE username forms connect to when you choose this responsibility to access the underneath database tables.
3.Lets assign this responsibility to a user
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > User> Define
Navigation: System Administrator > Security > User> Define
4. Log in as the above user and get into the responsibility erpSchools Access Resp.
You will see only two forms under the custom responsibility – Users and Responsibility.
Menu Exclusion:
Say you want to exclude Responsibilities form from our custom responsibility, you can do so by navigating to
System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
Query the custom responsibility “erpSchools Access Resp”
Say you want to exclude Responsibilities form from our custom responsibility, you can do so by navigating to
System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
Query the custom responsibility “erpSchools Access Resp”
Under Menu Exclusions tab, give in the form details and save.
Type: Choose Menu if you want to exclude a menu. Choose Function to exclude a form.
Name: Type in the Menu name / function name you want to exclude.
Type: Choose Menu if you want to exclude a menu. Choose Function to exclude a form.
Name: Type in the Menu name / function name you want to exclude.
Login to responsibility. You will only see Users form as Responsibilities form has been excluded from the responsibility.
Technical details:
Responsibility details are stored in the following tables:
FND_RESPONSIBILITY_VL: is available which a join between FND_RESPONSIBILITY and FND_RESPONSIBILITY_TL table. This view can be used to get responsibility name and description based on responsibility ID.
FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_ALL: can be used to find out the association of the user with the responsibility. This view contains user id and responsibility id. This view can be joined with FND_USER and FND_RESPONSIBILITY_TL table to select all the responsibilities assigned to an user.
Menu in Oracle Apps
Menu in Oracle Apps:
Menu is nothing but a logical or hierarchical listing of functions (forms) so that the user can easily navigate through the forms once he is in a responsibility.
Every responsibility will be assigned only one main menu. Under that main menu, you can have either have other sub menus or functions.
Functions are nothing but the forms which ultimately the users would like to work on.
One menu can be assigned to multiple responsibilities.
Menu is nothing but a logical or hierarchical listing of functions (forms) so that the user can easily navigate through the forms once he is in a responsibility.
Every responsibility will be assigned only one main menu. Under that main menu, you can have either have other sub menus or functions.
Functions are nothing but the forms which ultimately the users would like to work on.
One menu can be assigned to multiple responsibilities.
The below screenshot clearly identifies what Responsibility, Main Menu, Sub menu and Function are:
Heirarchical representation of Menus:![Blank](
If you log in to System Administrator responsibility, you will see a whole lot of menus. To get to Users form, you will have to traverse to Security > Users > Define. To get to the Responsibility form, you need to traverse to Security > Responsibility > Define. Say the user wants to create a new menu called erpSchools Access Menu that will only have Users and Responsibility form directly instead of traversing through multiple sub menus and functions.
Now let’s see the steps to build custom menu:
1. First identify the function name of Users Form.
Navigate to System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
Query for “System Administrator”
1. First identify the function name of Users Form.
Navigate to System Administrator > Security > Responsibility > Define
Query for “System Administrator”
The value that you see in the Menu field is the Main Menu attached to this responsibility. Copy that.
Navigate to System Administrator > Application > Menu
Query for User Menu Name as “Navigator Menu – System Administrator GUI” (the one copied from Menu field value in responsibility screen).
Description of the important fields:
Menu: Short Name of the Menu
User Menu Name: User defined name of the Menu
Menu Type: Choose ‘Standard’
Description: Description of the Menu.
Seq:The available menu items appear in the sequence specified.
Prompt:For each menu item, specify a prompt for the menu.
Submenu/Function: This will indicate whether the menu entry is a submenu or function under the man one.The sub-menu should have been already defined as a menu before using in this menu.
View Tree button: Will display the the menu and its entries in graphical format.
We are looking for the exact Function name of Users form. If you remember, Users form is under Security sub menu. So now go to Security. If you observe Function field is empty instead you see a value under Sub Menu. This means Security is another sub menu and not a form/function by itself. Copy the Sub Menu value.
In the same Menus form, now query for “Security Menu – System Administrator GUI” as User Menu Name. Since we know our Users forms is under Security > Users, look for User Sub menu and make a note of its Sub menu name (Users has another sub menu)
In the same Menus form, now query for “User Menu – System Administrator GUI” as User Menu Name. You will see “Users” under Function field which means that node is the last one. There are no more sub menus. And that is the one we are interested in. Make a note of the function name – Users.
2.Identify the function name for Responsibility form:
By following the same drill as above, we will know that function name for Responsibility form is Responsibilities.
By following the same drill as above, we will know that function name for Responsibility form is Responsibilities.
3.Let’s create a new menu
Navigate to System Administrator > Application > Menu
Enter the below details:
Menu: ERPSCHOOLS_ACCESS_MENU (Short name for your menu for internal use)
Navigate to System Administrator > Application > Menu
Enter the below details:
Menu: ERPSCHOOLS_ACCESS_MENU (Short name for your menu for internal use)
User Menu Name: erpSchools Access Menu (Menu Name users see for this menu)
Menu Type: Enter Standard here
Possible Values for Menu type:
Standard – for menus that would be used in the Navigator form
Tab – for menus used in self service applications tabs
Security – for menus that are used to aggregate functions for data security or specific function security purposes, but would not be used in the Navigator form
Possible Values for Menu type:
Standard – for menus that would be used in the Navigator form
Tab – for menus used in self service applications tabs
Security – for menus that are used to aggregate functions for data security or specific function security purposes, but would not be used in the Navigator form
Description: Meaningful description for this menu
Now enter the menu entries, here we want Users and Responsibilities functions under our menu.
Seq: 1 (the sequence in which you wish to see the menu entries)
Prompt: Users – Define (Users will see this name under the menu)
Function: Users (Function name which we have identifies in step 1)
Seq: 1 (the sequence in which you wish to see the menu entries)
Prompt: Users – Define (Users will see this name under the menu)
Function: Users (Function name which we have identifies in step 1)
Similarly make an entry for Responsibilities function
Seq: 2 (the sequence in which you wish to see the menu entries)
Prompt: Responsibilities – Define (Users will see this name under the menu)
Function: Responsibilities (Function name which we have identifies in step 2)
Seq: 2 (the sequence in which you wish to see the menu entries)
Prompt: Responsibilities – Define (Users will see this name under the menu)
Function: Responsibilities (Function name which we have identifies in step 2)
Save the work.
With this we have created a new menu which will have Users and Responsibilities forms.
4. We have to assign this menu to some responsibility to be able to access this menu. We will cover that in the next article Responsibilities in Oracle Apps.
Technical Details of the Menu
A menu details are stored in the following tables:
FND_MENUS: This table contains Menu Header information.
FND_MENU_ENTRIES: This table contains detail of all the entries in the menu. It contains columns Entry Sequence, Sub-Menu ID and Function ID.
Assigning Operating Unit to a Responsibility in 11i and R12
In Oracle Apps 11i we can assign only one operating unit to single responsibility but where as in R12 we can assign multiple operating units to a single responsibility to avail MOAC (Multi Organization Access Control) feature.
Oracle Apps 11i:
Set a profile option called ‘MO: Operating Unit’ to assign operating unit to responsibility
Navigation: System Administrator > Profile > System
1. Check the Responsibility option
2. Enter a “Responsibility” name to which you would like to assign the operating unit
3. Enter “MO: Operating Unit” in profile field
Click Find
Select the Operating unit which need to be assigned to a Responsibility and save.
In this example we are trying to assign “Asia OU” operating unit to “Purchasing” responsibility.
What just happened is, we have attached operating unit to a responsibility in Apps 11i version.
Oracle Apps R12:
In Oracle Apps R12 version we can assign one or multiple Operating Units to a single responsibility.
Assigning one Operating Unit to a Responsibility is same as we did above in 11i.
Let’s see how to assign Multiple Operating Units to a single Responsibility.
In R12 we have an option called “Security Profile” through which we can assign multiple OU’s to a responsibility.
Create one “security Profile” and assign as many “Operating units” as needed.
Navigation: Human Resources, Vision Enterprises > Security > Profile
Create security profile and add one or more Operating Units to it.
Assign the “Security Profile” that we created to any Responsibility.
Navigation: System Administrator > Profile > System
Select the responsibility and Profile as MO: Security Profile
Select the security profile you have created and save. (In 11i version we select Operating unit instead of security profile)
The “Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA) will import two operating units (ABC Operating Unit-1 and ABC Operating Unit-2) via Security profile (ABC MOAC).
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