Friday, October 25, 2013

Oracle Apps AR Interview Questions

Oracle Apps AR Module Interview Questions

1 Name some of the Oracle receivables Interfaces?
a) Auto Invoice
b) Auto Lockbox
c) Customer Interface
d) Sales Tax rate Interface
e) Tax Vendor Extension

2. Name the interface tables used for the customer interface?

3 What is the name of the column in CUSTOMER_INTERFACE_TABLE that indicates whether you are inserting new or updating existing information? 
When importing data into the interface tables, the column INSERT_UPDATE_FLAG indicates whether you 
are inserting new or updating existing information. 
This column is required in RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE.

4 If the INSERT_UPDATE_FLAG is not set correctly or the required column is missing the value, will CUSTOMER INTERFACE reject the entire record or just the attributes u want to update?

This will reject the entire record.

5 List some of the required columns for the RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE?

CUSTOMER_NUMBER (if you are not using Automatic Customer Numbering)

If you are importing an address and a business purpose, you must also populate the following columns:
PRIMARY_SITE_USE_FLAG (if you are inserting an address)
LOCATION (if you are not using Automatic Site Numbering)
SITE_USE_CODE (if you are inserting an address)

6 List some of the production tables that Customer Interface transfers customer data from the 
interface tables into?

7 What validation must be given on the customer_number?
A Must be null if you are using Automatic Customer Numbering. Must exist if you are not using Automatic Customer Numbering. This value must be unique within RA_CUSTOMERS.

8 What validation must be given on the CUSTOMER_STATUS?
A Must equal ’A’ for Active or ’I’ for Inactive. 

9 What is the use of Auto lock Box?
A Auto Lockbox (or Lockbox) is a service that commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable 
them to outsource their accounts receivable payment processing. 

10 Auto Lockbox is a three-step process, what are those?
A. a) Import
b) Validation
c) PostQuickCash

11 What is the order in which Autolock box searches for the types of the matching number?
A. 1. Transaction Number
2. Sales Order Number
3. Purchase Order Number
4. Consolidated Billing Invoice Number
5. Other, user-defined number.

12 Name the interface tables used for the LockBox Interface
A Interface table : 
Lockbox transfers the receipts that pass validation to the Receivables interim tables AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL and AR_INTERIM_CASH_RCPT_LINES_ALL
When you run Post QuickCash, the receipt data is transferred from the QuickCash tables to the following Receipt tables:

13 Name the interface tables used for the AutoInvoice Interface.
A AutoInvoice transfers transaction data from the interface tables
into the following Receivables tables:

1. What is TCA Tables?

A) Trading Community Architecture. It is a centralized repository of business entities such as Partners, Customers, and Organizations etc. It is a new framework developed in Oracle 11i.
HZ_PARTIES: The HZ_PARTIES table stores basic information about parties that can be shared with any relationship that the party might establish with another party. Although a record in the HZ_PARTIES table represents a unique party, multiple parties can have the same name. The parties can be one of four types:
Organization for example, Oracle Corporation
Person for example, Jane Doe
Group for example, World Wide Web Consortium
Relationship for example, Jane Doe at Oracle Corporation.

HZ_LOCATIONS: The HZ_LOCATIONS table stores information about a delivery or postal address such as building number, street address, postal code, and directions to a location. This table provides physical location information about parties (organizations and people) and customer accounts.

HZ_PARTY_SITES: The HZ_PARTY_SITES table links a party (see HZ_PARTIES) and a location (see HZ_LOCATIONS) and stores location-specific party information. One party can optionally have one or more party sites. One location can optionally be used by one or more parties. This party site can then be used for multiple customer accounts within the same party.

2. What are Base Tables or Interface Tables for Customer Conversions, Autolockbox, Auto Invoice?


B) Auto Invoice:

C) AutoLockBox:
Interim tables : AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL (All Populated by Submit Validation)
AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL ( All Populated by post quick cash)

3. What are the tables in which Invoices/transactions information is stored?
A) RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL, The RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table stores invoice, debit memo, commitment, bills receivable, and credit memo header information. Each row in this table includes general invoice information such as customer, transaction type, and printing instructions.

RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL, The RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table stores information about invoice, debit memo, credit memo, bills receivable, and commitment lines (LINE, FREIGHT and TAX).

RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_SALESREPS_ALL, The RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_SALESREPS_ALL table stores sales credit assignments for invoice lines. If Receivables bases your invoice distributions on sales credits, a mapping exists between the sales credit assignments in this table with the RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL table.

The RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL table stores the accounting records for revenue, unearned revenue, and unbilled receivables for each invoice or credit memo line. Oracle Receivables creates one row for each accounting distribution, and at least one accounting distribution must exist for each invoice or credit memo line. Each row in this table includes the General Ledger account and the amount of the accounting entry.

The RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_SALESREPS_ALL table stores sales credit assignments for invoice lines. If Receivables bases your invoice distributions on sales credits, a mapping exists between the sales credit assignments in this table with the RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL table.

4. What are the tables In which Receipt information is stored?A) 
AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL, The AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL table stores all transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous cash receipts. Oracle Receivables updates this table when activity occurs against an invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo, on-account credit, or receipt.
Transaction classes determine if a transaction relates to either the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table or the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table. Using the CUSTOMER_TRX_ID foreign key column, the AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL table joins to the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table for non-payment transaction entries, such as the creation of credit memos, debit memos, invoices, chargebacks, or deposits. Using the CASH_RECEIPT_ID foreign key column, the AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL table joins to the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table for invoice-related payment transactions.

AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL, The AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table stores one record for each receipt that you enter. Oracle Receivables concurrently creates records in the AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL, AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL, and AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL tables for invoice-related receipts. For receipts that are not related to invoices, such as miscellaneous receipts, Receivables creates records in the AR_MISC_CASH_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table instead of the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table.

AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL, The AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table stores one record for each receipt that you enter. Oracle Receivables concurrently creates records in the AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL, AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL, and AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL tables for invoice-related receipts. For receipts that are not related to invoices, such as miscellaneous receipts, Receivables creates records in the AR_MISC_CASH_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table instead of the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table. Cash receipts proceed through the confirmation, remittance, and clearance steps. Each step creates rows in the AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY table.

5. What are the tables in which Accounts information is stored?

6. What are the different statuses for Receipts?
A) Unidentified – Lack of Customer Information
Unapplied – Lack of Transaction/Invoice specific information (Ex- Invoice Number)
Applied – When all the required information is provided.
On-Account, Non-Sufficient Funds, Stop Payment, and Reversed receipt.

7. What is Autolockbox?
A) Auto lockbox is a service that commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable them to out source their account receivable payment processing. Auto lockbox can also be used to transfer receivables from previous accounting systems into current receivables. It eliminates manual data entry by automatically processing receipts that are sent directly to banks. It involves three steps 
• Import (Formats data from bank file and populates the Interface Table), 
• Validation(Validates the data and then Populates data into Interim Tables), 
• Post Quick Cash(Applies Receipts and updates Balances in BaseTables).

8. What is Transmission Format?
A) Transmission Format specifies how data in the lockbox bank file should be organized such that it can be successfully imported into receivables interface tables. Example, Default, Convert, Cross Currency, Zengen are some of the standard formats provided by oracle.

9. What is Auto Invoice?
A) Autoinvoice is a tool used to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems and create invoices, debit-memos, credit memos, and on account credits in Oracle receivables. Using Custom Feeder programs transaction data is imported into the autoinvoice interface tables.
Autoinvoice interface program then selects data from interface tables and creates transactions in receivables (Populates receivable base tables) . Transactions with invalid information are rejected by receivables and are stored in RA_INTERFACE_ERRORS_ALL interface table.

10. What are the Mandatory Interface Tables in Auto Invoice?

11. What are the Set up required for Custom Conversion, Autolockbox and Auto Invoice?
A) Autoinvoice program Needs AutoAccounting to be defined prior to its execution.

12. What is AutoAccounting?
A) By defining AutoAccounting we specify how the receivables should determine the general ledger accounts for transactions manually entered or imported using Autoinvoice. Receivables automatically creates default accounts(Accounting Flex field values) for revenue, tax, freight, financial charge, unbilled receivable, and unearned revenue accounts using the AutoAccounting information.

13. What are Autocash rules?
A) Autocash rules are used to determine how to apply the receipts to the customers outstanding debit items. Autocash Rule Sets are used to determine the sequence of Autocash rules that Post Quickcash uses to update the customers account balances.

14. What are Grouping Rules? (Used by Autoinvoice)
A) Grouping rules specify the attributes that must be identical for lines to appear on the same transaction. After the grouping rules are defined autoinvoice uses them to group revenues and credit transactions into invoices debit memos, and credit memos.

15. What are Line Ordering Rules? (Used by Autoinvoice)
A) Line ordering rules are used to order transaction lines when grouping the transactions into invoices, debit memos and credit memos by autoinvoice program. For instance if transactions are being imported from oracle order management , and an invoice line ordering rule for sales_order _line is created then the invoice lists the lines in the same order of lines in sales order.

16. In which table you can see the amount due of a customer?A) AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL

17. How do you tie Credit Memo to the Invoice?
At table level, In RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL, If you entered a credit memo, the PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID column stores the customer transaction ID of the invoice that you credited. In the case of on-account credits, which are not related to any invoice when the credits are created, the PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID column is null.

18. What are the available Key Flex Fields in Oracle Receivables?
A) Sales Tax Location Flex field, It’s used for sales tax calculations.
Territory Flex field is used for capturing address information.

19. What are Transaction types? Types of Transactions in AR?
A) Transaction types are used to define accounting for different transactions such as Debit Memo, Credit Memo, On-Account Credits, Charge Backs, Commitments and invoices.


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    As per the records, BevCanna has been used to loot money from investors. It’s a fake company with no office in Canada.

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