Accounting transactions are originated as a result of normal business activities in Financial and Manufacturing modules of Oracle Applications, as well as in external modules. In order to register those transactions into the General Ledger, a process called Journal Import must take place.
This process works based on the existing data in an interface table. The table is called GL_INTERFACE.
Each subledger populates this table through one or more specific processes. Once the information is in the interface table, the Journal Import process loads the General Ledger tables creating unposted journal batches.
Section 1: Journal Import Overview
Accounting transactions are originated as a result of normal business activities in Financial and Manufacturing modules of Oracle Applications, as well as in external modules. In order to register those transactions into the General Ledger, a process called Journal Import must take place.
This process works based on the existing data in an interface table. The table is called GL_INTERFACE.
Each subledger populates this table through one or more specific processes. Once the information is in the interface table, the Journal Import process loads the General Ledger tables creating unposted batches.
The only exception to this process is the Oracle Fixed Assets module before Family Pack G, which directly loads the General Ledger tables. Currently FA also populates the GL_INTERFACE table to transfer the accounting data to GL.
The following diagram illustrates the flow of the procedure:
1 Populate GL interface table (subledgers, external systems, ADI, etc.) 2
2 Import journal by Source / Group ID 3
3 Journal Import terminated without Errors? (check the execution report for errors or warnings) Yes 11
No 4
4 Is the Source a standard Subledger? Yes 5
No 9
5 Correct the errors in the Source. In case of a standard subledger you may need support assistance. 6
6 Is a R12 environment? (then no need to delete as already rolled back to XLA) Yes 8
No 7
7 Delete the incorrect batch to be imported again. 8
8 Need to Transfer the corrected batch again from the source 1
9 Many Errors ? Yes 7
No 10
10 Use the Correct Journals form to fix the errors in the interface 2
11 The batch is created ready for Posting END
Section 2: Data structures involved in the Journal Import process
This table is used to import journal entry batches through Journal Import. You insert rows in this table and then use the Run Journal Import form to create journal batches. Currently the Journal Import can import from tables with different names, but the same structure.
You must supply values for all NOT NULL columns.
Not Null Columns (may have variations depending on the release):
This table is used to control Journal Import execution. Whenever you start Journal Import from the Import Journals form, a row is inserted into this table for each source and group_id that you specified. When Journal Import completes, it deletes these rows from the table. If you run Journal Import from outside of the Import Journals form, you must insert a row into the GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL table first.
Is from this table that Journal Import knows the name of the interface table to import (INTERFACE_TABLE_NAME).
The phase of the process is indicated through the Status field. It can have the following values:
P - Pending; the journal import process has not been started.
S - Selected; the data group identified by Source and Group id has been selected for processing.
I - In process; the data group identified by Source and Group id has been selected and is actually in process.
Not Null Columns:
This table stores the rows that are successfully imported from the GL_INTERFACE table through the import process. The General Ledger application adds rows to this table every time you successfully run Journal Import, with the Archive Journal Import Data option enabled. This option is defined on the Concurrent Program Controls form. This option increases execution time but can be used for auditing purposes.
You use this information for historical reference only. General Ledger does not use the data stored in this table.
Depending on the Journal Source configuration, this table may be populated by the Journal Import Process. You can specify the Journal Entry sources for which you want to maintain your transaction's origin by entering 'Yes' in the Import Journal References field of the Journal Sources form. When Journal Import is run for a source that has 'Yes' set for the Import Journal References field, this table will be populated with the necessary information to match journal entry lines to the originating documents in the source. This functionality is known as Account Drilldown.
This uses the following fields to link to the subledger information:
In R12 normal subledgers this always points to the XLA tables (value is 'XLAJEL'), whilst in 11i it points to subledger specific tables.
The data stored in this table may vary depending on the release and type of transaction. The reference fields are used in different ways by each subledger.
In the following table is the use that some of the most common subledgers give to these fields:
Transactions Reference
1 Reference
2 Reference
3 Reference
4 Reference
5 Reference
6 Reference
7 Reference
8 Reference
9 Reference
Payables/Payments Vendor name Invoice id Check id External check number Paid invoice number 'AP Payments' SOB id Invoice distribution line number Invoice payment id Cash, Discount, Liability, Exchange Gain,
Exchange Loss,
Future Pay
Payables/Invoices Vendor name Invoice id Distribution line number
Invoice number 'AP Invoices' SOB id
Expense, Liability
Receivables/Transactions posting control id customer trx id cust trx line gl dist id trx number cust account number CUSTOMER bill to customer id CM, DM, CB, INV type||account class RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST
Receivables/Receipts posting control id cash receipt id ||cash receipt history id line id receipt number
pay from customer TRADE TRADE_'source_type' AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY
Receivables/Applications (cash) posting control id cash receipt id ||receivable application id line id receipt number trx number, null cust trx type pay from customer TRADE, CCUR application type||source type AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS
Receivables/Applications (CM) posting control id receivable application id line id trx number trx number, null cust trx type bill to customer id CMAPP application type||source type AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS
Receivables/Adjustments posting control id adjustment id line id trx number adjustment number cust trx type bill to customer id ADJ ADJ_source type AR_ADJUSTMENTS
Receivables/Miscel.Rec. posting control id cash receipt id line id receipt number cash receipt history id
pay from customer MISC MISC_source type AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY
Receivables/Bills Receivable posting control id transaction history id line id trx number customer trx id cust trx type drawee id cust trx type BR_source type AR_TRANSACTION_HISTORY
Purchasing PO, REQ doc header id doc distribution id doc number
Inventory mta.gl batch id mta.organization code
Consolidations (TRX) consolidation id consolidation run id source hournal header id source journal line num source ccid 'Transaction' subsidiary SOB
source batch id
Consolidations (BAL) consolidation id consolidation run id source ccid currency type budget version id 'Balances' subsidiary SOB period amount type actual amount
Intercompany transaction number transaction id offset line number CLEARING, OFFSET SENDER, RECEIVER
(all subledgers)
entity_id accounting_event_id ae_header_id ae_line_num DR amount CR amount
Section 3: Transfer and Import Processes
A. Entering transactions into the Interface Table
In Oracle Applications, modules such as AP, AR, PO, INV and WIP have concurrent processes that take the information from database structures in which the business activity is stored and inserts it into the GL_INTERFACE table.
Some of the transferring concurrent programs by module in Release 11i are :
Module Program Executable
AP Payables Transfer to General Ledger APPPST
FA Create Journal Entries FAPOST
AR General Ledger Transfer Program ARGLTP
PA Interface Burden Cost to GL PADTBC
PRC: Interface Labor Costs to General Ledger PAGGLT
PRC: Interface Usage Costs to General Ledger PASGLT
PRC: Interface Revenue to General Ledger PATTGL
INV Transfer transactions to GL INCTGL
In R12 the Create Accounting for each subledger populates the common XLA tables (Subledger Accounting). When the accounting is Final then the Transfer Journal Entries to GL process populates the GL interface and automatically submits the Journal Import. It can also submit the Post for the imported journals automatically.
For more detail information please see Create Accounting and Transfer Journal Entries to GL Programs.
If the information comes from an external module, the GL_INTERFACE table must be populated through a means such as SQL*Loader, Pro*C, a PL/SQL procedure or Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI or Web ADI)).
Following is a description of important fields in the interface table:
Account Combination
An account combination can be stored in two ways:
Entering a value for field CODE_COMBINATION_ID.
Entering a value for each segment of the accounting flexfield in use. The fields are SEGMENT1, SEGMENT2,..., SEGMENTn according to the definition of the structure.
If the account combination is stored in both ways, the Journal Import process will take the value stored in the SEGMENTn columns.
Group ID
This field is used by the sending process to group the transactions.
When the information comes from Oracle Applications subledgers, the value for this field is assigned automatically and is defined by the sequence GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL_S. The Journal Import process selects records based on SOURCE and optionally GROUP_ID.
Journal Type
Budget, encumbrance or actual journals can be entered into GL_INTERFACE. The type of journal that is being created is stored in the field ACTUAL_FLAG. The possible values are:
A : Actual
E : Encumbrance
B : Budget
Currency Conversion
Journals entered in a currency other than the functional currency can be stored in two ways:
Enter the amount, conversion type and conversion date in the fields ENTERED_CR or ENTERED_DR, USER_CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE and CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE respectively. If you enter a rate type of User, then you must also enter a conversion rate in the CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE column. For all other conversion types you must enter a conversion date in the CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE column. In this case, the Journal Import process automatically calculates the amount in the functional currency.
Populate fields ENTERED_CR or ENTERED_DR and ACCOUNTED_CR or ACCOUNTED_DR without specifying a conversion type and date. The Accounted amount must be your converted debit or credit amount.
Journal Source
This value is stored in field USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME and corresponds to the name of the journal source. Examples: Receivables, Payables, Inventory, etc.
Reference Fields
The reference fields are optional, but if they are defined, they are interpreted in the following way:
REFERENCE1 Batch name. Its structure is: <Reference1><Source><Request ID><Balance Type ><Group ID>
REFERENCE2 Batch description; if one is not defined, it will look like: Journal Import <Source><Request ID>
REFERENCE4 Journal entry name; with the format: <Category><Currency>< Conversion Type >< Conversion Rate>< Conversion Date ><Encumbrance Type ID><Budget Version>. Some of this information depends on the journal type.
REFERENCE5 Journal entry description; if one is not given, it will follow this format: Journal Import - Request ID
REFERENCE6 Reference or journal number. If it is not defined, it is automatically defined as Journal Import Created.
REFERENCE7 Reverse Journal Flag
REFERENCE8 Reverse Journal Period
REFERENCE10 Journal line description
REFERENCE21...30 The values and meanings for these fields depend on the Journal Source and Release. They store information used to identify and match the journal with the source document. The values for these fields map to REFERENCE_1 through REFERENCE_10 in the GL_JE_LINES table and the GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table.
B. Journal Import
Journal import is a complex tool, which performs a lot of validation on thousands of records at a time. Journal import loads data from the subledgers into the GL_INTERFACE table and then into GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS and GL_JE_LINES tables.
Define the concurrent program controls.
The Concurrent Program Controls form can be used to improve the performance of the Journal Import, MassAllocation/MassBudgeting, and Open Period programs. The performance of Journal Import can be improved by increasing the number of journal lines it holds in memory.
Before R12 this setup was done in a specific form:
Form name: GLXSTCPC
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Setup > System > Control
In R12 the setup uses the Profile Options instead:
GL: Number of Accounts In Memory
GL: Archive Journal Import Data
GL: Number of Records to Process at Once
GL Journal Import: Separate Journals by Accounting Date
Submit Journal Import Run
Once the data is in the GL_INTERFACE table, you can manually submit the import process from the Import Journals form.
Form name: GLXJIRUN
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Journals > Import > Run
Currently it is also possible to submit the journal import from the Submit Concurrent Requests form.
Source: Select the Source from which you want Journal Import to create journal entries, such as Receivables, Payables, etc..
Note that in R12, the transactions are only in the interface temporarily during the journal import (the data stays in the XLA tables), therefore it is not possible to submit the journal import for subledger sources using subledger accounting. The Journal Import program is automatically launched by the transfer accounting program.
Group ID: If there is a value in the GROUP_ID field in the GL_INTERFACE table, either intentionally populated by the user, or by the subledger creating these transactions, then to import these transactions into General Ledger, the user must specify the Group ID on the Import Journals form.
A list of values option is provided on the Group ID field on the Import Journals form, which allows the users to pick a valid value (existing in the interface tables). General Ledger will then import data with the journal source and Group ID combination you specify.
If you do not specify a Group ID, General Ledger imports data from the specified journal entry source with no corresponding Group ID (null Group ID).
In this case it can happen that different batches in the interface with null Group ID get merged during the journal import. To avoid this we recommend to always use the Group ID.
You can choose your run options as well as whether to import descriptive flexfields at this time.
Journal Import Concurrent Program: GLLEZL
This concurrent process generates a request log file and also an execution report. The request log file shows valuable information for troubleshooting purposes, such as:
Set of books or Ledger ID and name
Chart of accounts ID
Number of segments in the accounting flexfield and a description of each segment
Functional currency
Whether suspense accounting is enabled
The Journal Import Execution Report summarizes the results of the import and points out the lines that have errors.
It also contains a list in the end with the description of all the possible error codes (it doesn't mean that they have occurred).
C. Journal Import Correct
If the Journal Import run results in error, no records with the selected Source and Group_id will be imported. All of those rows will remain in the GL_INTERFACE table.
In R12, the rows comming from subledger accounting are rolled back to the XLA tables and removed from the interface, so they must be corrected at subledger level and then transferred again, to avoid reconciliation problems between GL and the subledgers.
You can use the Correct Journal Import Data form to correct the errors.
The first screen gives you the option to find the journals with certain errors.
Form name: GLXJICOR
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Journals > Import > Correct
Query on the errors you find in the Journal Import Execution Report to correct the data. You can only query journal import lines that have a status of Error or Corrected.
This screen shows the actual journal with the errors.
Examples: EF04, EF02 etc.
Form name: GLXJICOR
Once corrected you can then click on the Import Journals button to rerun Journal Import.
The screen shows the different types of information in the journal you can choose from:
Journal Lines,
Descriptive Flexfields
Depending on what the error is, select the part of the journal you need to go to in order to make your corrections.
D. Journal Import Delete
Use this ONLY if the data can be repopulated into the GL_INTERFACE table, such as from a spreadsheet or from an external source. The principle is the same as for journal correction: only the batches with status of error can be deleted.
In R12 this is not possible to delete subledger batches because the rows are rolled back to the XLA tables and removed from the interface.
Currently the Deletion of the journals is submitted as a Concurrent Request: Program - Delete Journal Import Data.
Older versions use a form to delete the batch.
Form name: GLXJIDEL
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Journals > Import > Delete
Select the Source, Request ID and Group ID.
WARNING!!! After you Delete, you can not get the data back again.
If from a spreadsheet or another system (i.e. not a subledger) then it can be re-sent.
So be careful when you decide to do this!
Section 4: Journal Import Error Codes
Following is a sample of Journal Import validation errors (Per Journal Import Execution Report). This may not be complete as some new codes may be added as needed.
Period Error Codes
EP01 This date is not in any open or future enterable period.
EP02 This set of books does not have any open or future enterable periods.
EP03 This date is not within any period in an open encumbrance year.
EP04 This date is not a business day.
EP05 There are no business days in this period.
Unbalanced Journal Error Codes
WU01 Warning: This journal entry is unbalanced. It is accepted because suspense posting is allowed in this set of books.
EU02 This journal entry is unbalanced and suspense posting is not allowed in this set of books.
EU03 This encumbrance journal entry is unbalanced and the Reserve for Encumbrance account is not defined.
Flexfield Error Codes
EF01 This Accounting Flexfield is inactive for this accounting date.
EF02 Detail posting not allowed for this Accounting Flexfield.
EF03 Disabled Accounting Flexfield.
EF04 This is an invalid Accounting Flexfield. Check your cross-validation rules and segment values.
EF05 There is no Accounting Flexfield with this Code Combination ID.
EF06 The alternate account is invalid
WF01 An alternate account was used instead of the original account
WF02 A suspense account was used instead of the original account
Foreign Currency Error Codes
EC01 A conversion rate must be entered when using the User conversion rate type.
EC02 There is no conversion date supplied.
EC03 A conversion rate type or an accounted amount must be supplied when entering foreign currency journal lines.
EC04 There is no conversion rate entered for this conversion date.
EC05 There is no conversion rate entered for this conversion rate type.
EC06 There are no conversion rates for this currency.
EC08 Invalid currency code.
EC09 No currencies are enabled.
EC10 Encumbrance journals cannot be created in a foreign currency.
EC11 Invalid conversion rate type.
EC12 The entered amount must equal the accounted amount in a functional or STAT currency journal line.
EC13 The entered amount multiplied by the conversion rate must equal the accounted amount.
ECW1 Warning: Converted amounts could not be validated because the conversion rate type is not specified.
Budget Error Codes
EB01 A budget version is required for budget lines.
EB02 Journals cannot be created for a frozen budget.
EB03 The budget year is not open.
EB04 This budget does not exist for this set of books.
EB05 The encumbrance_type_id column must be null for budget journals.
EB06 A period name is required for budget journals.
EB07 This period name is not valid. Check calendar for valid periods.
EB08 Average journals cannot be created for budgets.
Encumbrance Error Codes
EE01 An encumbrance type is required for encumbrance lines.
EE02 Invalid or disabled encumbrance type.
EE03 Encumbrance journals cannot be created in the STAT currency.
EE04 The budget_version_id column must be null for encumbrance lines.
EE05 Average journals cannot be created for encumbrances.
Reversal Error Codes
ER01 A reversal period name must be provided.
ER02 This reversal period name is invalid. Check your calendar for valid periods.
ER03 A reversal date must be provided
ER04 This reversal date is not in a valid period.
ER05 This reversal date is not in your database date format.
ER06 Your reversal date must be the same as or after your effective date.
ER07 This reversal date is not a business day.
ER08 There are no business days in your reversal period.
Descriptive Flexfield Error Codes
ED01 The context and attribute values do not form a valid descriptive flexfield for Journals - Journal Entry Lines.
ED02 The context and attribute values do not form a valid descriptive flexfield for Journals - Captured Information.
ED03 The context and attribute values do not form a valid descriptive flexfield for Value Added Tax.
Miscellaneous Error Codes
EM01 Invalid journal entry category.
EM02 There are no journal entry categories defined.
EM03 Invalid set of books id.
EM04 The value in the actual_flag must be "A" (actuals), "B" (budgets), or "E" (encumbrances).
EM05 The encumbrance_type_id column must be null for actual journals.
EM06 The budget_version_id column must be null for actual journals.
EM07 A statistical amount belongs in the entered_dr(cr) column when entering a STAT currency journal line.
EM09 There is no Transaction Code defined.
EM10 Invalid Transaction Code.
EM12 An Oracle error occurred when generating sequential numbering.
EM13 The assigned sequence is inactive.
EM14 There is a sequential numbering setup error resulting from a missing grant or synonym.
EM17 Sequential numbering is always used and there is no assignment for this set of books and journal entry category.
EM18 Manual document sequences cannot be used with Journal Import.
EM19 Value Added Tax data is only valid in conjunction with actual journals.
EM21 Budgetary Control must be enabled to import this batch.
EM22 A conversion rate must be defined for this accounting date, your default conversion rate type, and your dual currency.
EM23 There is no value entered for the Dual Currency Default Rate Type profile option.
EM24 Average journals can only be imported into consolidation sets of books.
EM25 Invalid average journal flag. Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
Section 5: Troubleshooting Scripts
Following are some useful scripts to troubleshoot Journal Import errors.
Estimate the number of lines pending to import from GL_INTERFACE:
q_ji1.sql :
/* Lists all pending journal import groups and the number*/
/* of records in each group */
set linesize 120
col Currency format a8
spool q_ji1
Select set_of_books_id Book
, user_je_source_name Source
, user_je_category_name Category
, currency_code Currency
, trunc (date_created) Created
, actual_flag Journal
, count(*)
from gl_interface
group by set_of_books_id
, user_je_source_name
, user_je_category_name
, currency_code
, trunc (date_created)
, actual_flag
order by set_of_books_id, trunc (date_created)
spool off
Total the debit and credit amounts within a Group_ID:
q_ji2.sql :
/* Calculates the total amounts for a given group id */
set linesize 120
col s_en_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_en_dr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_dr format S999,999,999.99
spool q_ji3
Select user_je_source_name Source
, User_je_category_name Category
, currency_code Currency
, sum (entered_cr) s_en_cr
, sum (entered_dr) s_en_dr
, sum (accounted_cr) s_acc_cr
, sum (accounted_dr) s_acc_dr
from gl_interface
where group_id = &group_id
group by user_je_source_name
, User_je_category_name
, currency_code
spool off
The following query groups journal lines for a particular group_id coming from Oracle Payables by Category and Internal Invoice Id, and sums the debit and credit amounts (in 11i):
q_ji3.sql :
set linesize 120
col s_en_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_en_dr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_dr format S999,999,999.99
col reference22 format a15
spool q_ji4
, reference22 invoice_id
, sum (entered_cr) s_en_cr
, sum (entered_dr) s_en_dr
, sum (accounted_cr) s_acc_cr
, sum (accounted_dr) s_acc_dr
, count(*)
from gl_interface
where user_jr_source_name ='Payables' and
group_id = &group_id
group by USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME, reference22
spool off
Query q_ji3.sql can be modified to be used with the reference fields for other sources.
Oracle General Ledger Journal Import
Oracle General Ledger Journal Import Process Overview
Accounting transactions
are originated as a result of normal business activities in Financial and
Manufacturing modules of Oracle Applications, as well as in external modules.
In order to register those transactions into the General Ledger, a process
called Journal Import must take place.
This process works based on the existing data in an interface table. The table is called GL_INTERFACE.
Each subledger populates this table through one or more specific processes. Once the information is in the interface table, the Journal Import process loads the General Ledger tables creating unposted journal batches.
This process works based on the existing data in an interface table. The table is called GL_INTERFACE.
Each subledger populates this table through one or more specific processes. Once the information is in the interface table, the Journal Import process loads the General Ledger tables creating unposted journal batches.
Section 1: Journal Import
Accounting transactions are originated as a
result of normal business activities in Financial and Manufacturing modules of
Oracle Applications, as well as in external modules. In order to register those
transactions into the General Ledger, a process called Journal Import must take
This process works based on the existing data in an interface table. The table is called GL_INTERFACE.
Each subledger populates this table through one or more specific processes. Once the information is in the interface table, the Journal Import process loads the General Ledger tables creating unposted batches.
The only exception to this process is the Oracle Fixed Assets module before Family Pack G, which directly loads the General Ledger tables. Currently FA also populates the GL_INTERFACE table to transfer the accounting data to GL.
The following diagram illustrates the flow of the procedure:
This process works based on the existing data in an interface table. The table is called GL_INTERFACE.
Each subledger populates this table through one or more specific processes. Once the information is in the interface table, the Journal Import process loads the General Ledger tables creating unposted batches.
The only exception to this process is the Oracle Fixed Assets module before Family Pack G, which directly loads the General Ledger tables. Currently FA also populates the GL_INTERFACE table to transfer the accounting data to GL.
The following diagram illustrates the flow of the procedure:
Populate GL interface
table (subledgers, external systems, ADI, etc.)
Import journal by
Source / Group ID
Journal Import
terminated without Errors? (check the execution report for errors or
Is the Source a
standard Subledger?
Correct the errors in
the Source. In case of a standard subledger you may need support assistance.
Is a R12 environment?
(then no need to delete as already rolled back to XLA)
Delete the incorrect
batch to be imported again.
Need to Transfer the
corrected batch again from the source
Many Errors ?
Use the Correct
Journals form to fix the errors in the interface
The batch is created
ready for Posting
Section 2: Data structures involved in the Journal Import
This table is used to
import journal entry batches through Journal Import. You insert rows in this
table and then use the Run Journal Import form to create journal batches.
Currently the Journal Import can import from tables with different names, but
the same structure.
You must supply values for all NOT NULL columns.
You must supply values for all NOT NULL columns.
Not Null Columns (may
have variations depending on the release):
This table is used to
control Journal Import execution. Whenever you start Journal Import from the
Import Journals form, a row is inserted into this table for each source and
group_id that you specified. When Journal Import completes, it deletes these
rows from the table. If you run Journal Import from outside of the Import
Journals form, you must insert a row into the GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL table first.
Is from this table that Journal Import knows the name of the interface table to import (INTERFACE_TABLE_NAME).
The phase of the process is indicated through the Status field. It can have the following values:
Is from this table that Journal Import knows the name of the interface table to import (INTERFACE_TABLE_NAME).
The phase of the process is indicated through the Status field. It can have the following values:
P - Pending; the journal
import process has not been started.
S - Selected; the data
group identified by Source and Group id has been selected for processing.
I - In process; the data
group identified by Source and Group id has been selected and is actually in
Not Null Columns:
This table stores the
rows that are successfully imported from the GL_INTERFACE table through the
import process. The General Ledger application adds rows to this table every
time you successfully run Journal Import, with the Archive Journal Import Data
option enabled. This option is defined on the Concurrent Program Controls form.
This option increases execution time but can be used for auditing purposes.
You use this information for historical reference only. General Ledger does not use the data stored in this table.
You use this information for historical reference only. General Ledger does not use the data stored in this table.
Depending on the Journal
Source configuration, this table may be populated by the Journal Import
Process. You can specify the Journal Entry sources for which you want to
maintain your transaction's origin by entering 'Yes' in the Import Journal
References field of the Journal Sources form. When Journal Import is run for a
source that has 'Yes' set for the Import Journal References field, this table
will be populated with the necessary information to match journal entry lines to
the originating documents in the source. This functionality is known as Account
This uses the following fields to link to the subledger information:
This uses the following fields to link to the subledger information:
In R12 normal subledgers this always points to
the XLA tables (value is 'XLAJEL'), whilst in 11i it points to subledger
specific tables.
The data stored in this table may vary depending on the release and type of transaction. The reference fields are used in different ways by each subledger.
In the following table is the use that some of the most common subledgers give to these fields:
The data stored in this table may vary depending on the release and type of transaction. The reference fields are used in different ways by each subledger.
In the following table is the use that some of the most common subledgers give to these fields:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Vendor name
Invoice id
Check id
External check number
Paid invoice number
'AP Payments'
SOB id
Invoice distribution
line number
Invoice payment id
Cash, Discount,
Liability, Exchange Gain,
Exchange Loss, Future Pay |
Vendor name
Invoice id
Distribution line
Invoice number
'AP Invoices'
SOB id
Expense, Liability
posting control id
customer trx id
cust trx line gl dist
trx number
cust account number
bill to customer id
type||account class
posting control id
cash receipt id ||cash
receipt history id
line id
receipt number
pay from customer
posting control id
cash receipt id
||receivable application id
line id
receipt number
trx number, null
cust trx type
pay from customer
type||source type
posting control id
receivable application
line id
trx number
trx number, null
cust trx type
bill to customer id
type||source type
posting control id
adjustment id
line id
trx number
adjustment number
cust trx type
bill to customer id
ADJ_source type
posting control id
cash receipt id
line id
receipt number
cash receipt history
pay from customer
MISC_source type
posting control id
transaction history id
line id
trx number
customer trx id
cust trx type
drawee id
cust trx type
BR_source type
doc header id
doc distribution id
doc number
mta.gl batch id
mta.organization code
Consolidations (TRX)
consolidation id
consolidation run id
source hournal header
source journal line
source ccid
subsidiary SOB
source batch id
Consolidations (BAL)
consolidation id
consolidation run id
source ccid
currency type
budget version id
subsidiary SOB
amount type
actual amount
transaction number
transaction id
offset line number
(all subledgers)
DR amount
CR amount
Section 3: Transfer and Import Processes
A. Entering transactions into the Interface Table
In Oracle Applications, modules such as AP, AR,
PO, INV and WIP have concurrent processes that take the information from
database structures in which the business activity is stored and inserts it
into the GL_INTERFACE table.
Some of the transferring concurrent programs by module in Release 11i are :
Some of the transferring concurrent programs by module in Release 11i are :
Payables Transfer to
General Ledger
Create Journal Entries
General Ledger
Transfer Program
AX Transfer to GL
Interface Burden Cost
to GL
PRC: Interface Labor
Costs to General Ledger
PRC: Interface Usage
Costs to General Ledger
PRC: Interface Revenue
to General Ledger
Transfer transactions
to GL
In R12 the Create Accounting for each subledger populates the common XLA tables (Subledger Accounting). When the accounting is Final then the Transfer Journal Entries to GL process populates the GL interface and automatically submits the Journal Import. It can also submit the Post for the imported journals automatically.
For more detail information please see Create Accounting and Transfer Journal Entries to GL Programs.
If the information comes from an external module, the GL_INTERFACE table must be populated through a means such as SQL*Loader, Pro*C, a PL/SQL procedure or Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI or Web ADI)).
Following is a description of important fields in the interface table:
Account Combination
An account combination
can be stored in two ways:
Entering a value for
Entering a value for
each segment of the accounting flexfield in use. The fields are SEGMENT1,
SEGMENT2,..., SEGMENTn according to the definition of the structure.
If the account
combination is stored in both ways, the Journal Import process will take the
value stored in the SEGMENTn columns.
Group ID
This field is used by
the sending process to group the transactions.
When the information comes from Oracle Applications subledgers, the value for this field is assigned automatically and is defined by the sequence GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL_S. The Journal Import process selects records based on SOURCE and optionally GROUP_ID.
When the information comes from Oracle Applications subledgers, the value for this field is assigned automatically and is defined by the sequence GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL_S. The Journal Import process selects records based on SOURCE and optionally GROUP_ID.
Journal Type
Budget, encumbrance or
actual journals can be entered into GL_INTERFACE. The type of journal that is
being created is stored in the field ACTUAL_FLAG. The possible values are:
A : Actual
E : Encumbrance
B : Budget
Currency Conversion
Journals entered in a
currency other than the functional currency can be stored in two ways:
Enter the amount,
conversion type and conversion date in the fields ENTERED_CR or ENTERED_DR,
enter a rate type of User, then you must also enter a conversion rate in the
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE column. For all other conversion types you must enter
a conversion date in the CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE column. In this case, the
Journal Import process automatically calculates the amount in the functional
Populate fields
conversion type and date. The Accounted amount must be your converted debit or
credit amount.
Journal Source
This value is stored in
field USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME and corresponds to the name of the journal source.
Examples: Receivables, Payables, Inventory, etc.
Reference Fields
The reference fields are optional, but if they
are defined, they are interpreted in the following way:
Batch name. Its
structure is: <Reference1><Source><Request ID><Balance
Type ><Group ID>
Batch description; if
one is not defined, it will look like: Journal Import
<Source><Request ID>
Journal entry name;
with the format: <Category><Currency>< Conversion Type
>< Conversion Rate>< Conversion Date ><Encumbrance Type
ID><Budget Version>. Some of this information depends on the journal
Journal entry
description; if one is not given, it will follow this format: Journal Import
- Request ID
Reference or journal
number. If it is not defined, it is automatically defined as Journal Import
Reverse Journal Flag
Reverse Journal Period
Journal line
The values and
meanings for these fields depend on the Journal Source and Release. They
store information used to identify and match the journal with the source
document. The values for these fields map to REFERENCE_1 through REFERENCE_10
in the GL_JE_LINES table and the GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table.
B. Journal Import
Journal import is a
complex tool, which performs a lot of validation on thousands of records at a
time. Journal import loads data from the subledgers into the GL_INTERFACE table
and then into GL_JE_BATCHES, GL_JE_HEADERS and GL_JE_LINES tables.
Define the concurrent program controls.
The Concurrent Program
Controls form can be used to improve the performance of the Journal Import,
MassAllocation/MassBudgeting, and Open Period programs. The performance of
Journal Import can be improved by increasing the number of journal lines it
holds in memory.
Before R12 this setup was done in a specific form:
Form name: GLXSTCPC
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Setup > System > Control
In R12 the setup uses the Profile Options instead:
Before R12 this setup was done in a specific form:
Form name: GLXSTCPC
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Setup > System > Control
In R12 the setup uses the Profile Options instead:
GL: Number of Accounts
In Memory
GL: Archive Journal
Import Data
GL: Number of Records to
Process at Once
GL Journal Import:
Separate Journals by Accounting Date
Submit Journal Import Run
Once the data is in the
GL_INTERFACE table, you can manually submit the import process from the Import
Journals form.
Form name: GLXJIRUN
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Journals > Import > Run
Currently it is also possible to submit the journal import from the Submit Concurrent Requests form.
Source: Select the Source from which you want Journal Import to create journal entries, such as Receivables, Payables, etc..
Note that in R12, the transactions are only in the interface temporarily during the journal import (the data stays in the XLA tables), therefore it is not possible to submit the journal import for subledger sources using subledger accounting. The Journal Import program is automatically launched by the transfer accounting program.
Group ID: If there is a value in the GROUP_ID field in the GL_INTERFACE table, either intentionally populated by the user, or by the subledger creating these transactions, then to import these transactions into General Ledger, the user must specify the Group ID on the Import Journals form.
A list of values option is provided on the Group ID field on the Import Journals form, which allows the users to pick a valid value (existing in the interface tables). General Ledger will then import data with the journal source and Group ID combination you specify.
If you do not specify a Group ID, General Ledger imports data from the specified journal entry source with no corresponding Group ID (null Group ID).
In this case it can happen that different batches in the interface with null Group ID get merged during the journal import. To avoid this we recommend to always use the Group ID.
You can choose your run options as well as whether to import descriptive flexfields at this time.
Form name: GLXJIRUN
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Journals > Import > Run
Currently it is also possible to submit the journal import from the Submit Concurrent Requests form.
Source: Select the Source from which you want Journal Import to create journal entries, such as Receivables, Payables, etc..
Note that in R12, the transactions are only in the interface temporarily during the journal import (the data stays in the XLA tables), therefore it is not possible to submit the journal import for subledger sources using subledger accounting. The Journal Import program is automatically launched by the transfer accounting program.
Group ID: If there is a value in the GROUP_ID field in the GL_INTERFACE table, either intentionally populated by the user, or by the subledger creating these transactions, then to import these transactions into General Ledger, the user must specify the Group ID on the Import Journals form.
A list of values option is provided on the Group ID field on the Import Journals form, which allows the users to pick a valid value (existing in the interface tables). General Ledger will then import data with the journal source and Group ID combination you specify.
If you do not specify a Group ID, General Ledger imports data from the specified journal entry source with no corresponding Group ID (null Group ID).
In this case it can happen that different batches in the interface with null Group ID get merged during the journal import. To avoid this we recommend to always use the Group ID.
You can choose your run options as well as whether to import descriptive flexfields at this time.
Journal Import Concurrent Program: GLLEZL
This concurrent process
generates a request log file and also an execution report. The request log file
shows valuable information for troubleshooting purposes, such as:
Set of books or Ledger
ID and name
Chart of accounts ID
Number of segments in
the accounting flexfield and a description of each segment
Functional currency
Whether suspense
accounting is enabled
The Journal Import
Execution Report summarizes the results of the import and points out the lines
that have errors.
It also contains a list in the end with the description of all the possible error codes (it doesn't mean that they have occurred).
It also contains a list in the end with the description of all the possible error codes (it doesn't mean that they have occurred).
C. Journal Import Correct
If the Journal Import
run results in error, no records with the selected Source and Group_id will be
imported. All of those rows will remain in the GL_INTERFACE table.
In R12, the rows comming from subledger accounting are rolled back to the XLA tables and removed from the interface, so they must be corrected at subledger level and then transferred again, to avoid reconciliation problems between GL and the subledgers.
You can use the Correct Journal Import Data form to correct the errors.
In R12, the rows comming from subledger accounting are rolled back to the XLA tables and removed from the interface, so they must be corrected at subledger level and then transferred again, to avoid reconciliation problems between GL and the subledgers.
You can use the Correct Journal Import Data form to correct the errors.
The first screen gives
you the option to find the journals with certain errors.
Form name: GLXJICOR
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Journals > Import > Correct
Query on the errors you find in the Journal Import Execution Report to correct the data. You can only query journal import lines that have a status of Error or Corrected.
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Journals > Import > Correct
Query on the errors you find in the Journal Import Execution Report to correct the data. You can only query journal import lines that have a status of Error or Corrected.
This screen shows the
actual journal with the errors.
Examples: EF04, EF02
Form name: GLXJICOR
Once corrected you can then click on the Import Journals button to rerun Journal Import.
The screen shows the different types of information in the journal you can choose from:
Form name: GLXJICOR
Once corrected you can then click on the Import Journals button to rerun Journal Import.
The screen shows the different types of information in the journal you can choose from:
o Batches/Journals,
o Accounts,
o Journal Lines,
o Descriptive Flexfields
o References.
Depending on what the
error is, select the part of the journal you need to go to in order to make
your corrections.
D. Journal Import Delete
Use this ONLY if the
data can be repopulated into the GL_INTERFACE table, such as from a spreadsheet
or from an external source. The principle is the same as for journal
correction: only the batches with status of error can be deleted.
In R12 this is not possible to delete subledger batches because the rows are rolled back to the XLA tables and removed from the interface.
In R12 this is not possible to delete subledger batches because the rows are rolled back to the XLA tables and removed from the interface.
Currently the Deletion
of the journals is submitted as a Concurrent Request: Program -
Delete Journal Import Data.
Older versions use a form to delete the batch.
Older versions use a form to delete the batch.
Form name: GLXJIDEL
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User
Navigation: Journals > Import > Delete
Select the Source, Request ID and Group ID.
WARNING!!! After you
Delete, you can not get the data back again.
If from a spreadsheet or another system (i.e. not a subledger) then it can be re-sent.
So be careful when you decide to do this!
If from a spreadsheet or another system (i.e. not a subledger) then it can be re-sent.
So be careful when you decide to do this!
Section 4: Journal Import Error Codes
Following is a sample of
Journal Import validation errors (Per Journal Import Execution Report). This
may not be complete as some new codes may be added as needed.
Period Error Codes
Period Error Codes
EP01 This date is not in
any open or future enterable period.
EP02 This set of books
does not have any open or future enterable periods.
EP03 This date is not
within any period in an open encumbrance year.
EP04 This date is not a
business day.
EP05 There are no
business days in this period.
Unbalanced Journal Error
WU01 Warning: This
journal entry is unbalanced. It is accepted because suspense posting is allowed
in this set of books.
EU02 This journal entry
is unbalanced and suspense posting is not allowed in this set of books.
EU03 This encumbrance
journal entry is unbalanced and the Reserve for Encumbrance account is not
Flexfield Error Codes
EF01 This Accounting
Flexfield is inactive for this accounting date.
EF02 Detail posting not
allowed for this Accounting Flexfield.
EF03 Disabled Accounting
EF04 This is an invalid
Accounting Flexfield. Check your cross-validation rules and segment values.
EF05 There is no
Accounting Flexfield with this Code Combination ID.
EF06 The alternate
account is invalid
WF01 An alternate
account was used instead of the original account
WF02 A suspense account
was used instead of the original account
Foreign Currency Error
EC01 A conversion rate
must be entered when using the User conversion rate type.
EC02 There is no
conversion date supplied.
EC03 A conversion rate
type or an accounted amount must be supplied when entering foreign currency
journal lines.
EC04 There is no
conversion rate entered for this conversion date.
EC05 There is no
conversion rate entered for this conversion rate type.
EC06 There are no
conversion rates for this currency.
EC08 Invalid currency
EC09 No currencies are
EC10 Encumbrance
journals cannot be created in a foreign currency.
EC11 Invalid conversion
rate type.
EC12 The entered amount
must equal the accounted amount in a functional or STAT currency journal line.
EC13 The entered amount
multiplied by the conversion rate must equal the accounted amount.
ECW1 Warning: Converted
amounts could not be validated because the conversion rate type is not
Budget Error Codes
EB01 A budget version is
required for budget lines.
EB02 Journals cannot be
created for a frozen budget.
EB03 The budget year is
not open.
EB04 This budget does
not exist for this set of books.
EB05 The
encumbrance_type_id column must be null for budget journals.
EB06 A period name is
required for budget journals.
EB07 This period name is
not valid. Check calendar for valid periods.
EB08 Average journals
cannot be created for budgets.
Encumbrance Error Codes
EE01 An encumbrance type
is required for encumbrance lines.
EE02 Invalid or disabled
encumbrance type.
EE03 Encumbrance
journals cannot be created in the STAT currency.
EE04 The
budget_version_id column must be null for encumbrance lines.
EE05 Average journals
cannot be created for encumbrances.
Reversal Error Codes
ER01 A reversal period
name must be provided.
ER02 This reversal
period name is invalid. Check your calendar for valid periods.
ER03 A reversal date
must be provided
ER04 This reversal date
is not in a valid period.
ER05 This reversal date
is not in your database date format.
ER06 Your reversal date
must be the same as or after your effective date.
ER07 This reversal date
is not a business day.
ER08 There are no
business days in your reversal period.
Descriptive Flexfield
Error Codes
ED01 The context and
attribute values do not form a valid descriptive flexfield for Journals -
Journal Entry Lines.
ED02 The context and
attribute values do not form a valid descriptive flexfield for Journals -
Captured Information.
ED03 The context and
attribute values do not form a valid descriptive flexfield for Value Added Tax.
Miscellaneous Error
EM01 Invalid journal
entry category.
EM02 There are no
journal entry categories defined.
EM03 Invalid set of
books id.
EM04 The value in the
actual_flag must be "A" (actuals), "B" (budgets), or
"E" (encumbrances).
EM05 The
encumbrance_type_id column must be null for actual journals.
EM06 The
budget_version_id column must be null for actual journals.
EM07 A statistical
amount belongs in the entered_dr(cr) column when entering a STAT currency
journal line.
EM09 There is no
Transaction Code defined.
EM10 Invalid Transaction
EM12 An Oracle error
occurred when generating sequential numbering.
EM13 The assigned
sequence is inactive.
EM14 There is a
sequential numbering setup error resulting from a missing grant or synonym.
EM17 Sequential
numbering is always used and there is no assignment for this set of books and
journal entry category.
EM18 Manual document
sequences cannot be used with Journal Import.
EM19 Value Added Tax
data is only valid in conjunction with actual journals.
EM21 Budgetary Control
must be enabled to import this batch.
EM22 A conversion rate
must be defined for this accounting date, your default conversion rate type,
and your dual currency.
EM23 There is no value
entered for the Dual Currency Default Rate Type profile option.
EM24 Average journals
can only be imported into consolidation sets of books.
EM25 Invalid average
journal flag. Valid values are "Y", "N", and null.
Section 5: Troubleshooting Scripts
Following are some
useful scripts to troubleshoot Journal Import errors.
Estimate the number of
lines pending to import from GL_INTERFACE:
q_ji1.sql :
/* Lists all pending journal import groups and
the number*/
/* of records in each group */
set linesize 120
col Currency format a8
spool q_ji1
Select set_of_books_id Book
, user_je_source_name Source
, user_je_category_name Category
, currency_code Currency
, trunc (date_created) Created
, actual_flag Journal
, count(*)
from gl_interface
group by set_of_books_id
, user_je_source_name
, user_je_category_name
, currency_code
, trunc (date_created)
, actual_flag
order by set_of_books_id, trunc (date_created)
spool off
/* of records in each group */
set linesize 120
col Currency format a8
spool q_ji1
Select set_of_books_id Book
, user_je_source_name Source
, user_je_category_name Category
, currency_code Currency
, trunc (date_created) Created
, actual_flag Journal
, count(*)
from gl_interface
group by set_of_books_id
, user_je_source_name
, user_je_category_name
, currency_code
, trunc (date_created)
, actual_flag
order by set_of_books_id, trunc (date_created)
spool off
Total the debit and
credit amounts within a Group_ID:
q_ji2.sql :
/* Calculates the total amounts for a given
group id */
set linesize 120
col s_en_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_en_dr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_dr format S999,999,999.99
spool q_ji3
Select user_je_source_name Source
, User_je_category_name Category
, currency_code Currency
, sum (entered_cr) s_en_cr
, sum (entered_dr) s_en_dr
, sum (accounted_cr) s_acc_cr
, sum (accounted_dr) s_acc_dr
from gl_interface
where group_id = &group_id
group by user_je_source_name
, User_je_category_name
, currency_code
spool off
set linesize 120
col s_en_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_en_dr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_dr format S999,999,999.99
spool q_ji3
Select user_je_source_name Source
, User_je_category_name Category
, currency_code Currency
, sum (entered_cr) s_en_cr
, sum (entered_dr) s_en_dr
, sum (accounted_cr) s_acc_cr
, sum (accounted_dr) s_acc_dr
from gl_interface
where group_id = &group_id
group by user_je_source_name
, User_je_category_name
, currency_code
spool off
The following query
groups journal lines for a particular group_id coming from Oracle Payables by
Category and Internal Invoice Id, and sums the debit and credit amounts (in
q_ji3.sql :
set linesize 120
col s_en_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_en_dr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_dr format S999,999,999.99
col reference22 format a15
spool q_ji4
, reference22 invoice_id
, sum (entered_cr) s_en_cr
, sum (entered_dr) s_en_dr
, sum (accounted_cr) s_acc_cr
, sum (accounted_dr) s_acc_dr
, count(*)
from gl_interface
where user_jr_source_name ='Payables' and
group_id = &group_id
group by USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME, reference22
spool off
col s_en_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_en_dr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_cr format S999,999,999.99
col s_acc_dr format S999,999,999.99
col reference22 format a15
spool q_ji4
, reference22 invoice_id
, sum (entered_cr) s_en_cr
, sum (entered_dr) s_en_dr
, sum (accounted_cr) s_acc_cr
, sum (accounted_dr) s_acc_dr
, count(*)
from gl_interface
where user_jr_source_name ='Payables' and
group_id = &group_id
group by USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME, reference22
spool off
Query q_ji3.sql can be modified to be used with the reference fields for other sources.
Oracle Secondary Ledger - Setup and Usage
The purpose of this document is to familiarize the users of
Secondary Ledger (R12) with different levels of Secondary Ledger conversions
feature. This document provides details on the Usage and Setup of Secondary
Secondary Ledger is an optional, additional ledger that is
associated with the Primary Ledger.
A Secondary Ledger can be used to represent the Primary Ledger's
data in another accounting representation, which differs from the primary in
one or more of the following:
Chart of accounts (COA)
Accounting calendar/period type combination
Sub-ledger accounting method(SLA)
In release 12, Secondary Ledgers can be created based on the
legal requirements and are mainly used for creating Multiple Accounting
Representations (MAR).
One may want to know the financial position of the company under
different methods of Accounting, in which case we can create Secondary Ledgers
and attach different Accounting methods to it.
For example, your Primary Ledger may be according to French
Accounting principles and your Secondary Ledger may be according to US
Accounting Principles. Using the concept of Secondary Ledgers, whenever any
financial transaction occurs, it can be represented in both French Accounting
and US Accounting Principles at the same time.
If the business requirement is to report every
balance in a different currency then we can choose Reporting currency where as
if we need to have different COA or SLA, Calendar Method then we can use
Secondary Ledger.
Reporting currency can be used to capture the information in a
reporting currency at Balance level, Sub-ledger level and Journal level.
Secondary Ledger could be used when you need to change the Chart
of Accounts and Accounting convention method to meet the statutory and
corporate requirements. This is used primarily where the organization need to
report in different authorities like Local authorities, US GAAP,IFRS,IASB etc.
Reporting Currency Ledger
and Secondary Ledger
As Secondary Ledger can be used to represent the Primary
Ledger's data in another accounting representation, the accounting
representations depend on the following conversion rules:
Chart of Accounts Conversion
Calendar Conversion
Currency Conversion
Journal Conversion (Used by General Ledger Posting only)
The chart of accounts conversion rule is used when the chart of
accounts are different between the Primary and the Secondary Ledger. In this
scenario, a chart of accounts mapping is defined to provide instructions for
mapping the accounts or the entire account segments from the Primary Ledger to
the Secondary Ledger.
The calendar conversion rule is used when the Primary and
Secondary Ledgers have different calendars. In this scenario, the journal
effective date determines the corresponding non-adjusting period in the
Secondary Ledger.
The currency conversion rule is used when the Secondary Ledger
currency is different from the Primary Ledger currency.
In this scenario, the system converts the data from the currency
of the Primary Ledger to the currency of the Secondary Ledger using these
conversion rules.
Journal conversion is used to select the journals for transfer
to the Secondary Ledger based on journal source and category combinations.
In this scenario, the GL Posting program uses these source and
category conversion rules to determine which journals to automatically transfer
to the Secondary Ledger during posting.
Secondary Ledgers can be maintained at one of the following data
conversion levels:
Balance Level Secondary Ledgers
Sub ledger Level Secondary Ledgers
Journal Level Secondary Ledgers
Balance level Secondary Ledger:
The balance level Secondary Ledger only maintains the Primary
Ledger balances in another accounting representation. To maintain balances in
this type of Secondary Ledger, use General Ledger Consolidation to transfer the
Primary Ledger balances to the Secondary Ledger.
If the balance level Secondary Ledger uses a different currency
from the Primary Ledger, system automatically generates and assigns a balance
level reporting currency ledger to the Primary Ledger.
General Ledger Consolidation is used to transfer balances from
the Primary Ledger's balance level reporting currency to the balance level
Secondary Ledger. This balance level reporting currency uses the same currency
as the Secondary Ledger and represents the translated balances of the Primary
Scenario: 1-Adding and Using a Balance Level
Secondary Ledger
balance level Secondary Ledger discussed in the below scenario uses a different
currency and chart of accounts as shown below.
Primary Ledger
Secondary Ledger
Chart of Accounts
SOracle_Coa (5
(3 Segments)
Sub-ledger Accounting Method
Encumbrance Accrual
Optional (not used
in this case)
Step 1:
Navigation: General Ledger responsibility: Setup: Financials:
Accounting Setup Manager: Accounting Setups: Query the Primary Ledger. Select
Add Secondary Ledger button.
Step 2:
Enter the name of the Secondary Ledger, chart of accounts,
currency, and calendar and the data conversion level as shown below. Select
Please make a note of the information that system generated reporting currency
has been assigned to your Primary Ledger as the Secondary Ledger currency is
different. Select Apply.
Step 3:
Complete the ledger processing options for the Secondary Ledger
Now select the update icon for primary to Secondary Ledger
Step 4:
Select Create mapping button and create the mapping in the
applications. Note that the rate types are not populated
Create a Chart of accounts mapping using the steps below.
Give the name and description.
Enter the target as Secondary Ledger and source as Primary
Select segment rules button and enter the segment rules for the
system to transfer the transactions/balances from the Primary Ledger to
Secondary Ledger.
Assign the chart of accounts mapping that was created in the
previous step
This has to be assigned in the page Update primary to Secondary
Ledger Mapping
Step 5:
Now select the update icon for Reporting Currencies under the
Setup step of the Primary Ledger
Observe that the reporting currency USD is already added by the
system to the Primary Ledger
the required information for reporting currency and complete the setup
Now check the Primary to Secondary Ledger mapping, the period
rates are populated.
Step 6:
Navigation: Primary Ledger Responsibility: Journals: Enter
Place a manual journal and post the same.
Step 7:
Navigation: Currencies: Translation
Run the translation program from INR to USD
Check the translated trial balance.
Please note the lines in the above report as the same would be
transferred to the Secondary Ledger after consolidation.
Step 8:
Navigation: Consolidation: Define: Consolidation
Define consolidation.
In the consolidation attributes, the parent is the Secondary
Ledger and the subsidiary is the Primary Ledger.
Once the consolidation is defined, select transfer button.
Ensure Consolidation Transfer Program completes normal
Step 9:
Navigation: Secondary Ledger responsibility : Journals : Enter
Check the journal that has got generated and post the same
Only the first three segments of the Primary Ledger are mapped
with the Secondary Ledger. That is why the account in the journal has only
three segments.
The journal level Secondary Ledger is an additional accounting
representation of the Primary Ledger journal entries and balances.
This type of Secondary Ledger is maintained using the General
Ledger Posting Program. Every time you post a journal in the Primary Ledger,
the same journal is automatically replicated and maintained in the Secondary
Ledger, depending on the journal conversion rules specified for the Secondary
Scenario: 2-Adding and Using a Journal Level
Secondary Ledger
journal level Secondary Ledger in the below scenario uses currency as USD,
which is different from the Primary Ledger currency.
Primary Ledger
Secondary Ledger
Chart of Accounts
Sub-ledger Accounting Method
Encumbrance Accrual
Optional (not used
in this case)
Navigation: General Ledger Super user: Setup: Financials:
Accounting Setup Manager: Accounting Setups: Query Ledger: Update Accounting
setup: Add Secondary Ledger
Complete the Ledger Setups for the Journal Level Secondary
Step 3:
Primary to Secondary Ledger mapping – Select Create mapping
button and create chart of accounts mapping
Step 4:
Define chart of accounts mapping: As per the mapping, all
Primary Ledger balancing segment values would be transferred into single
balancing segment value 1000 in Secondary Ledger.
Step 5:
See the Journal conversion rules defined as below.
Journal conversion rules:
These rules can be used to specify if the journals have to get
posted automatically in the Secondary Ledger and if the journal creator has to
be retained.
The Journal source and category conversion can be used to
restrict the transactions of few sources and categories from getting
transferred to the Secondary Ledger.
Step 6:
Define conversion rates between primary to Secondary Ledger
Navigation: Setup: Currencies: Rates: Daily
Step 7:
Enter and post a manual journal in Primary Ledger
Navigation: Journal : Enter
Note: We have entered 1000 & 2000 as BSV in Primary Ledger
and we have mapped to single value 1000 in Secondary Ledger.
Posting the below journal replicates the journal in Secondary
Step 8:
Check the Secondary Ledger for the journal created.
Please note the BSV is 1000 for all the lines based on the chart
of accounts mapping.
The sub ledger level Secondary Ledger maintains an additional
accounting representation of the sub-ledger journals, journal entries, and
The sub ledger level Secondary Ledger is maintained using both
Sub-ledger accounting and the General Ledger Posting program.
Scenario: 3-Adding and Using a Sub ledger
Level Secondary Ledger
In the
below scenario, sub-ledger level Secondary Ledger uses a different currency and
sub-ledger accounting method as shown below.
Primary Ledger
Secondary Ledger
Chart of Accounts
Sub-ledger Accounting Method
Encumbrance Accrual
Standard Accrual
Step 1:
Navigation: General Ledger Super user: Setup: Financials:
Accounting Setup Manager: Accounting Setups
Query Ledger: Update Accounting setup: Add Secondary Ledger
Complete the Ledger processing options for the Secondary Ledger
Primary to Secondary Ledger mapping:
Step 3:
Define the journal conversion rules as below.
For sub-ledger level Secondary Ledgers, the journal sources that
use Sub-ledger Accounting must be set to No in the Transfer Journals to this
Secondary Ledger field.
Any journal source that uses Sub-ledger Accounting to generate
its accounting entries must not be converted to the Secondary Ledger using
General Ledger Posting because Sub-ledger Accounting automatically performs the
conversion for these sub-ledger journals.
If the option is set to yes, duplicate journals will be created
in the Secondary Ledger.
Step 4:
Navigation: AP responsibility : Invoices : Entry : Invoices to
create an invoice.
Perform create accounting for the invoice created
Step 5:
Note there are two journal import requests triggered, one for
primary and other one for Secondary Ledger
Posting requests for Primary and Secondary Ledgers
Step 6:
Journal created in Primary Ledger
Journal created in Secondary Ledger
The adjustments only Secondary Ledger is an incomplete
accounting representation that only holds manual adjustments created from
general ledger.
Adjustments only Secondary Ledgers must share the same chart of
accounts, accounting calendar/period type combination, and currency as the
associated Primary Ledger.
Automated adjustments from sub-ledger accounting are not
Scenario: 3-Adding and Using a Adjustments Only Secondary Ledger
adjustments only Secondary Ledger shares the same chart of accounts, calendar
and currency as that of the Primary Ledger as shown below.
Primary Ledger
Secondary Ledger
Chart of Accounts
Sub-ledger Accounting Method
Encumbrance Accrual
Not used in this
Step 1:
Navigation: General Ledger Super user: Setup: Financials:
Accounting Setup Manager: Accounting Setups: Query Ledger: Update Accounting
setup: Add Secondary Ledger
Step 2:
Complete the ledger processing options for the Adjustment only
Secondary ledger
Step 3:
Create a ledger set to check the combined balances
Navigation: Setup: Financials: Ledger Set
Navigation: Inquiry: Account
If user wants to reduce 100 from 190, the rectification entry
can be passed in the Adjustments only Secondary Ledger
Step 4:
Create the rectification / adjustment entry in the adjustment
only secondary ledger and post the journal
Navigation: Journals: Enter
Step 5:
Define and run a FSG report for the ledger set created to fetch combined
Navigation: Reports: Define: Report
Step 6:
FSG output
Note the balance is reduced from 190 to 90 because of the entry
posted in the adjustments only Secondary Ledger
A new concurrent program:”SLA Secondary/ALC Ledger Historic
Upgrade” is introduced to create the accounting for the Secondary Ledger
for the historic transactions in SLA based on the corresponding Primary Ledger.
This is based on the principle that the balances of Secondary Ledger are
initialized based on Primary Ledger’s balances.
Following are the list of the validations performed in the
concurrent program before any data can be processed:
1) The relation between Secondary Ledgers with the Primary
Ledger should be at sub-ledger level
2) In the case of historical
upgrade of Secondary Ledger, the application accounting definition of secondary
and Primary Ledgers should be same.
3) All the final accounted
journals in SLA for the Primary Ledger should be transferred to GL.
4) If the earlier run of the
program is incomplete / failed, then the present run should be in Recovery
mode, with the same parameters of the prior run.
5) For the conversion information
provided, currency conversion rates between Primary Ledger’s entered /
accounted currency to Secondary Ledger’s functional currency should be defined.
6) If the Secondary Ledger is of a
different chart of accounts, the chart of account mappings should be defined.
1. How to Disable a Secondary Ledger Already Created?
Once you disable the conversion of Secondary Ledgers, it
immediately prevents the propagation of journals from the Primary Ledger to the
Secondary Ledger.
The disabled Secondary Ledger is still available for historical
reporting and manual journal entries.
Note: Balance level Secondary Ledgers cannot be disabled. To
stop transferring balances from the source representation (Primary Ledger or
balance level reporting currency) to the balances level Secondary Ledger, stop
running consolidations.
Note: Adjustments only Secondary Ledgers cannot be disabled
because journals are not automatically transferred to this Secondary Ledger.
To disable the conversion of Secondary Ledgers:
• Navigate to the Accounting
Options page.
• In the Secondary Ledgers
region, select the Disable Conversion icon for the
Secondary Ledger to be disabled.
Note: Once the conversion of a Secondary Ledger is disabled, the
status of the Secondary Ledger is changed to Disabled.
2. Even after a Secondary Ledger is
disabled, it still appears in the Accounting Setup Manager (ASM), in a disabled
status. Is it possible to remove this from appearing from ASM at all?
No, it is not possible to completely stop this assignment from
appearing in Accounting Setup Manager.
3. Can a Secondary Ledger be associated with
more than one Primary Ledger?
No, a Secondary Ledger can only be associated with a single
Primary Ledger.
4. Can Primary Ledger Be Changed To Secondary
and Secondary To Primary After Few Years Of Operations?
Changing ledger types is not recommended.
5. How to delete a Secondary Ledger?
You can only delete Secondary Ledgers before the accounting
setup is complete. After the accounting setup is complete, you can disable the
conversion of Secondary Ledgers. This prevents any journals that are entered in
the Primary Ledger or source representation from being transferred to the
Secondary Ledger.
Deleting a Secondary Ledger removes the ledger and all of its
setup steps.
To delete Secondary Ledgers:
• Navigate to the Accounting
Options page.
• Find the Secondary Ledger
to delete and select the Remove Secondary Ledger icon.
6. Can we map a non balancing segment in the primary ledger to a
balancing segment in the secondary ledger?
You cannot map a non balancing segment in the primary ledger to
a balancing segment in the secondary ledger. If you attempt to do this, the
posting program is likely to fail.
7. The posting of a Reversal Journal in Primary Ledger does not
create the corresponding Reversal in the Secondary Ledger. Why?
Enhancement Request/Bug 5686912 GL POSTING DIDN’T CREATE a
REVERSED MANUAL JOURNAL IN SECONDARY LEGER was logged and it is implemented
Issue is fixed in the following files.
For R12.0: forms/US/GLXJEENT.fmb 120.81.12000000.36
For R12.1: forms/US/GLXJEENT.fmb 120.83.12010000.22
8. What is the Naming Convention of R12 Secondary Ledger Journal
When the posting runs it creates secondary ledger journals and
while creating journal batches from primary ledger journal batches it follows
below naming convention.
Secondary Ledger batch name = Secondary Ledger Short Name ||
Primary Ledger Journal Batch name || Primary ledger Journal Batch Id.
9. How to Transfer Historical Balances to a New Journal Level
Secondary Ledger?
There is no program provided by Oracle to upgrade historical
data for Journal Level Secondary and Reporting ledgers.
The "SLA Secondary/ALC Ledger Historic Upgrade"
concurrent program is not for Journal level secondary ledgers. For Journal
level secondary ledgers, this program should not be run.
The Secondary ledger balances in General Ledger need to be
Use the General Ledger Consolidation functionality to initialize
the balances in GL for the Journal level secondary ledger.
10. What are the differences in behavior, between a Primary
Ledger and a Secondary Ledger?
Journal Reconciliation will have to be done separately for
Secondary Ledger.
Revaluation has to be done manually for Secondary Ledger.
You can only enable average balances or average balance
consolidation for your secondary ledger if average balances or average balance
consolidation is also enabled for its primary ledger.
By default, journals that use the following journal sources are
not transferred to the journal level secondary
Move/Merge Reversal
11. Is it possible to create automated adjustments using Sub
ledger accounting?
It is not possible to create automated adjustments using Sub
ledger Accounting. An internal bug has been raised with development for
correcting this in the documentation.
Tables that can be used to get the Secondary
Ledger details:
the Secondary Ledgers associated with a Primary Ledger
GL_JE_INCLUSION_RULES - To find the source and category
conversion levels
GL_DAILY_RATES - To find the source and category conversion
GL_CONS_SEGMENT_MAP - To find the mapping rules
Import Conversion– General Ledger
document defines the technical design and specifications required for Journal
Conversion to convert journals from client Legacy systems to the Oracle
data will be given as extracted data file to Oracle conversion program.
Conversion program will pick the data, validate them and convert into Oracle.
Functional Requirement
The extract will
contain the entire necessary GL Journal data elements required to successfully
create Journals in General Ledger. Cleansed Data will be provided as a flat CSV
file which will be loaded into custom interface table. Cleansing is not in
scope of this conversion program. In case any derivation rules fail the
validation step, where ever possible a
default value will be used. Required
application setups must be completed before running the standard General Ledger
Documents Open Interface program.
The scope of the conversion is to load data
from the data files to the staging tables, validate the data , load the data
into Interface tables and then call Standard GL Import Program to Load data
into GL tables. Source System for data load will be AS400 or R11i only and all the other criteria will be as specified in
CV40 Document. Posting of Journals need to be performed manually only.
Solution Designed
solution for this conversion requirement can be broken into two parts, the
loading of data into the temporary staging table and the processing and
translation of that data before it is passed to interface table to populate
standard Oracle base table using the open interface program.
supplied in coma delimited ASCII flat file and the format will be as defined in
the CV040.
first step is the data file is loaded into the staging table using the load
program. Once data file has been processed, any SQL Loader log files, discard
files, and bad files should be concatenated together and copied to the
appropriate directory and file where the user may review them. After each run, the load program should
accomplish any necessary cleanup.
second step is the data validation program.
This PL/SQL based program should be able to select records from staging
table and process those records before processing them using open
interface. The incoming data file will
be written to a staging table by the load program. The validation program will
select these records and process them accordingly. The validation program will have to maintain
counts for total records processed, total records with errors, total errors and
total records with zero value. The
program should also identify any records with errors on the execution report.
validation program should be run from within Oracle Applications. This program
will need an execution record, a defined concurrent program and be attached to
a request group.
the data in staging table is validated for all records without errors then
valid data is inserted into standard open interface table.
case any errors then errors needs to be corrected in coma delimited ASCII flat
file and again processing needs to be started from first step.
Third step is Standard Journal Import program will be submitted. This program
will process the data in the interface table. And put them into standard GL
Implementation of Solution
document is prepared based on the approved functional design document (CV040
version 1.1) and the scope of the solution is limited to the features as
mentioned explicitly in this document.
data file will be in the format specified in CV040 doc irrespective of the data
will be one comma (",") delimited file for this conversion.
system level profile options have been setup.
standards are as per build standards document.
the required setups for this conversion will be completed before the program is
custom Top ($XXXX_TOP) will be created in Unix server to follow Oracle OnDemand
development standards.
changes are done to the data file without prior notification to the Oracle
technical team after they are transferred to the required directory for upload.
SQL*Loader will upload the records in the truncate mode, which means all the
previous records present in the staging table will be truncated, and the
staging table will be loaded with new records.
10. Bad, Discard and Log
files are created in the $ XXXX_TOP/bin directory. Any file present in the “$XXXX_TOP/bin”
with these names will be overwritten with bad, log and discard file generated
by the SQL*Loader.
11. All database objects
like packages, procedure, functions, views, tables, etc will be created in the XXXX_CUST
12. The concurrent
manager must be running in the applications before we can run the Import
13. The data will be
batched in Ledgers and imported. No other batching will be applied on the data
programatically. Depending on the various parameters GL import may put the
records into different Batches – Ex : Period.
14. Posting will have to
be run manually after import.
15. Zero balance
accounts for a particular period will not be converted.
16. Cleansing of data is
not in Scope of this object.
17. If a batch fails due
to Accounting errors, correction of those journals will be handled through the
Standard Correct Forms.
18. The Journals will
have to be balanced per period. It’s up to the extraction team to take care
that the journals are balanced.
19. No custom report
will be developed for reconciling the data.
20. Only Functional
Currency Journals will be converted for all the Ledgers.
21. Creation of Segment
Values for individual segments is not in Scope of this Object.
22. Creation of Code
Combination Id is subject to the fact that the relevant Segment Values Exits,
No Rules Fail for the given Combination and Dynamic Insertion is on.
23. Chart of account
Mapping between source and Oracle will be provided as cross reference table for which Separate
CV40/CV60 will be defined. In GL Import Conversion we will have function to
drive value based on mapping provided in this table. It is assumed that the
Segment values given in the Extract File is already modified to suite Oracle
Value. We can directly pass these values to the gl_interface for creation of
Code Combinations.
24. If the record fails
validation at the Standard Import level, the data in the staging table will be
marked as Processed, since the correction and import of the same will be done
using the Standard Correct Forms.
case the User wants to correct the data and reload.
should be Updated / Deleted from the Custom Staging Table.
pertaining to that batch should be deleted form the gl_interface table.
Then the entire process should be re-run.
and Prerequisites
following are the mandatory setups and prerequisites that need to be setup
before running this conversion program:
Values for Code Combination Creation
to be Setup and kept in Open Status
table to store AS400, 11i & R12 Segment Value Mappings.
Database Object Designed
The following tables are going to be
populated in the Oracle application for the conversion of GL Journals
Staging Table 1: XXXX_GL_BALANCE_STG
This section describes the logic for the
conversion upload programs that will be built to support the conversion of GL Actual and Budget Balance Conversion.
is a host concurrent program which takes data file path with its names as parameters and calls the SQL*Loader
utility to load the data from the delimited file into the staging tables. The
Staging tables are as follows:
The following is the
control file (CTL) script, which will upload the data from the flat file to the
staging table (XXXX_GL_BALANCE_STG):
of data is done in the staging table. The Staging table is as follows:
a record fails during data validation then errors are inserted into the error
table (XXXX_ERROR_DETAILS) and for the eroded
out record the process_flag column in the staging tables will be updated to
‘ERROR’. Error reporting will take care of incorrect dates format, missing
mandatory fields etc.
validations are complete, the procedure is called to load the valid data into
Oracle interface table for record that has been successfully validated without any
errors. Oracle standard General Ledger open interface will be used to create
records in Oracle base tables.
the loaded data in interface tables will be marked as ‘PROCESSED’ (process_flag
= ‘PROCESSED’) in the staging tables. Records with process_flag= ‘ERROR’ will
not be processed in the interface tables.
Describes the
program logic for the interface/validation program(s) used to convert the
business object.
conversion of Journals
is initiated through a main program, which will in turn call rest of the
programs depending on success.
Actual Balance Conversion Main
Actual Balance Conversion Main is the wrapper program, which will call the
programs below.
Balance Conversion Staging Load
Balance Conversion Validate
Balance Conversion Convert
Following are the
various sub-procedures under “XXXX: GL Actual
Balance Conversion Main” concurrent program:
This is
the main procedure that starts the conversion processing. This procedure in
turns calls other programs using FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST to load data into
staging tables, validate staging table records and process them using open
Budget Balance Conversion Main
Budget Balance Conversion Main is the wrapper program, which will call the programs below.
Balance Conversion Staging Load
Balance Conversion Validate
Balance Conversion Convert
Following are the
various sub-procedures under “XXXX: GL Budget
Balance Conversion Main” concurrent program:
This is
the main procedure that starts the conversion processing. This procedure in
turns calls other programs using FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST to load data into
staging tables, validate staging table records and process them using open
XXXX: GL Balance Conversion Staging Load
The Host Program used to load the data
into the staging table
XXXX: GL Balance Conversion Validate
The PL/SQL program
is used to validate the data in staging table and pass the necessary column
values to GL Interface table to create Budget & Actual Journals.
Following are the
various sub-procedures under “XXXX: GL Balance
Conversion Validate” concurrent program:
is the startup procedure for this concurrent program. This procedure in turns
calls other procedures to validate the staging table records and also write the
error information to the log file.
In this procedure, validation of the staging table data
will be done. If the record successfully passes through the validation process,
process_flag is set to “VALIDATED”.
XXXX: GL Balance Conversion Convert
The PL/SQL program
is used to process the data in the GL Interface table. This will call the
Standard Journal Import to process the
Following are the various sub-procedures under “XXXX: GL Balance Conversion Convert” concurrent
This is the startup
procedure for this concurrent program. This procedure in turns calls other
procedures to process the valid staging table records through GL open
This procedure takes all validated records and inserts
them into interface table GL_INTERFACE.
This procedure
submits a request to Journal Import using FND_REQUEST.SUBMIT_REQUEST.
Handling Program Logic
section describes the logic for the error handling procedure that will be built
to support the conversion of GL Actual and Budget
Balance Conversion.
following are the procedures that will be used in handling of errors.
XXXX_INSERT_ERROR procedure is used to insert all the error messages in
to the error table.
XXXX_PRINT_LOG_ERRORS procedure is to print the records in the
log file, based on the request id.
case of any setup validation error, assign retcode: = 2. This is done so that
the program completes in error.
data in the staging table are not deleted so that error records can be
identified if required. The SQL*Loader will delete data from the staging table
before loading data to prevent storing of duplicate data in staging table.
Note: The program should
complete all data & apps setup related validations (mentioned in validation section)
before giving a consolidated error report. Program should list all data/setup
errors before stopping rather than stopping when first validation /setup error
occurs. In case of system errors,
program should give the error message and stop execution (ret code=2).
Pseudo Code
Initialize the Error Handlers to capture the run-time errors.
Initialize the Error Handlers to capture the run-time errors.
data file parameter is given, call load program “XXXX_GL_BALANCE_CONV_LOAD”
using fnd_request.submit_request, otherwise go to next step.
the Actual Flag for all the records loaded to ‘A’. Update the Source Category
validate program “XXXX_GL_BALANCE_CONV_VALIDATE” using fnd_request.submit_request.
Pass Balance_Type parameter as ‘A’
process program “XXXX_GL_BALANCE_CONV_CONVERT” using
fnd_request.submit_request. Pass Balance_Type
parameter as ‘A’
the Error Handlers to capture the run-time errors.
data file parameter is given, call load program “XXXX_GL_BALANCE_CONV_LOAD”
using fnd_request.submit_request, otherwise go to next step.
the Actual Flag for all the records loaded to ‘B’. Update the Source &
Category also
validate program “XXXX_GL_BALANCE_CONV_VALIDATE” using
fnd_request.submit_request. Pass Balance_Type
parameter as ‘B’
process program “XXXX_GL_BALANCE_CONV_CONVERT” using
fnd_request.submit_request. Pass Balance_Type
parameter as ‘B’
all local variables
CURSOR c_gl_balance
SELECT distinct
process_flag in (‘NEW’, ‘ERROR’)
Actual_flag = <Balance_Type Parameter>;
Table t_accounting_date index by Binary Integer;
t_accounting_date; - Let this table be a global table accessible to all
procedure of the package.
the error flag.
Derive the Source,
Category , Ledger & Budget Version Id (If balance type is ‘B’).
FOR c_gl_balance_rec
IN c_gl_balance
Lv_period : =0;
Lv_period :=
Lv_period_count :=
c_gl_balance_rec|| lpad(Lv_period,2,0)
:= DR2,Pass Lv_period
End Loop ;
Move all records
into VALIDATED Status.
This procedure will insert valid records
into interface table and calls Journal Import.
Declare all local variables
Ø CURSOR c_gl_balance
WHERE process_flag =
:= 1;
:= 0;
Loop for cursor
Ln_record_count :=
ln_record_count + 1;
For each Journal
record, populate the interface table GL_INTERFACE with values from necessary
c_gl_balance columns.
For period_count in
IF (Current_year = 2006 AND period_count
= 1) AND
NVL(GL_CR_BALANCE_00,0) <> 0)
So while inserting
into gl_interface the accounting_date would be
Perform the default
rules while
inserting the record.
IF period_count = 1
So while
inserting into gl_interface the accounting_date would be
Perform the
default rules while inserting the record.
End If;.
IF period_count = 13
So while
inserting into gl_interface the accounting_date would be
Perform the
default rules while inserting the record.
End If;.
End loop;
End loop;
SELECT distinct source from gl_interface
For every source insert a record into gl_interface_control table.
SELECT apps.gl_journal_import_s.NEXTVAL
INSERT INTO apps.gl_interface_control (status, set_of_books_id,
je_source_name, group_id, interface_run_id) VALUES ('S', <ledger_id>, <source_name>
,NULL, irun_id);
Submit journal Import for each run_id.
v_req_id :=
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
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